Diamond peeling of face - one of the most modern ways of treatment of esthetic face defects mechanical influence. Advantage of method is that to its help there is not only clarification of skin, but also its regeneration opportunities raise that slows down aging.
Microdermabrasion is carried out in beauty shops by the special device by means of nozzle from medical steel in the conditions of full sterility that excludes risk of entering of infections. Cleaning has mechanical character, however diamond microparticles do not adjoin to skin. Therefore the procedure is suitable for the people having allergies to various chemicals.
Solid diamond particles are capable to clean integument, eliminating from it inveterate layers of epidermis and the died-off cages. At the same time skin is updated.
Nozzles with the different level of granularity are supplied with abrasives from diamond dust which is provided by small crystals of the diamonds processed in the laser way. All dust which is formed when processing the person gets in the device. The vacuum influencing skin makes on it salutary impact, reducing puffiness after carrying out peeling and also promoting good circulation of skin blood-groove.
The procedure a little more than half an hour lasts. At the same time the patient has no pain, considerable reddening of integuments and irritation. Grinding makes the smoothing impact on scars, hems and insignificant wrinkles. The skin color becomes equal and shining. The diamond peeling is capable to make the least visible pigmental spots and freckles. Enlarged pores on face after the procedure are considerably narrowed. Skin looks younger and gets tone.
The diamond peeling is recommended to use that who has the grown dull complexion, enlarged pores, scars, hems, wrinkles, post-acne and comedones. Also the procedure significantly will help at acne rash, obstruction of time, tuberosity of integuments. Grinding by diamond nozzles is capable to eliminate the grown hair.
It is desirable to trust the procedure of diamond grinding of the person only to experts. Otherwise skin can do essential harm, having left on it scratches and hems.
Right after implementation of the procedure of peeling usually apply mask to skin or process it collagenic serum. Useful components well get inside through open time. There is number of contraindications for holding procedure: - burns; - scratches, pustulous phenomena, ulcers, wounds, fresh hems; - periods period; - pregnancy and period of lactation; - sklerodermiya and giperkeratoz; - infectious diseases of skin; - allergy; - bronchial asthma; - skin new growths, warts, birthmarks, papillomas; - gastrointestinal diseases; - the increased body temperature; - epilepsy; - feverish states; - oncological processes. After holding procedure some time it is necessary to avoid hit on the processed sites of skin of sunshine, before exit to the street it is obligatory to use sunblock cream. Also it is worth excluding visit of the pool and sauna within one and a half weeks, to refuse heavy physical activity that the irritation from sweat influence has not appeared, not to use alcohol-containing cosmetics for skin care.