The rare modern hairstyle does without bang. The bang not only softens features, with its help it is possible to hide such shortcomings as too high forehead or scar. The bang slanting enjoys the greatest love at today's beauties.
- - hairdresser's scissors
- - flat hairbrush
- - clips for hair
- - spray with water
- - mirror
- Before starting modeling of bang, think what it has to be. Long or short, dense or not really. You do not wet strongly the head before hairstyle. It is easier to cut wet hair, but in this case without certain experience it is difficult to foresee as the bang after hairstyle will highly jump up.
- Carefully comb hair, by means of hairbrush separate semicircle part of hair which you have decided to cut. Comb the remained hair back and fix by clips.
- Imagine mentally your bang in what party it has to look. Consider at the same time arrangement of your usual hair parting and the top on the head.
- Get up directly in front of the mirror, once again comb hair, slightly moisten them with water from spray.
- Make small cut on the shortest site of future bang, try to do it not too highly, the bang has to begin not higher than the level of eyebrows.
- Now determine the maximum length of bang and make one more cut from other its party. Being guided by cuts, shear hair, conducting scissors on the line from top to down.
- If you doubt whether necessary you have chosen length, shear at first hair on minimum, tousle them hand, look what has turned out. If necessary you dostrigit bang until that becomes such as you also wanted.
- You can shear the dried-up tips of hair slightly edge of the scissors directed vertically up, it will help bang to look more naturally.