The equal and beautiful tooth alignment possesses not only esthetic value - it is indicator of physiological norm of the structure of oral cavity. It is necessary to understand in what cases the crack between teeth is subject to treatment and in what can remain peculiar highlight of appearance.
1. If the crack between teeth was vsegdachashche all diastem (that is crack between front cutters) has hereditary character. Less often it arises owing to addictions (pencil pokusyvaniye, etc.), late shift of milk teeth by constants, partial edentia (lack of one or group of teeth). If for the rest the bite of the patient is physiologically normal, the diastem is not the indication to treatment by means of breket-systems. At equal tooth alignment in principle it is not obligatory to eliminate diastem. Vinira - thin ceramic plates are applied to disposal of diastems and to three (cracks between any teeth except front cutters). Put on the surface of teeth, vinira mask cracks between them and also cover the darkened enamel. The orthopedic method, however, has essential shortcoming: for installation of vinir it is necessary to grind off several millimeters of enamel of teeth. Difference of therapeutic method (or art restoration of teeth) that natural enamel completely remains. The expert applies special composite structure on those sites where it is necessary to increase teeth.
2. If the crack between teeth has appeared in the adult vozrastevnezapno the appearing diastems and trema can demonstrate damage of gums. Weakening of gums to such an extent that teeth considerably move away from each other - occasion to address parodontolog. At first it is necessary to win against the reason of emergence of cracks, and then to deal with the investigation of one of the scenarios described above.
3. The diastem at deteya of children of preschool age availability of chip between front cutters is physiological norm. In this case the diastem demonstrates that the child's jaw normally grows, and teeth remain the same. The crack between cutters will be closed when temporary teeth are replaced by constants. If the diastem does not disappear in several years after emergence of molars, it is occasion to address the orthodontist. To teenage age at such problem removable plates are applied, since 13-14 breket-systems are put.