Exercises on coordination of movements for children

Exercises on coordination of movements for children

When you watch the small child, see his awkwardness in movements, and sometimes and falling. In it there is nothing terrible, the kid only learns to own the body correctly. The loving parent has to help the child with this training in order that its movements became dexterous and sure. Today we will talk about coordination at children what to do that to develop it.

Features of children's coordination

First of all you have to know that coordination of movements begins to develop in mother's womb, and the active phase proceeds from six-month age and to 18 years, that is so far the kid grows. Therefore various exercises are very important for coordination.

What exercises give

In the course of performance of similar complexes at children the cerebellum which plays an important role in coordination development well develops and also muscles, visual bodies train, the vestibular mechanism becomes stronger.

Whether you know? Constant trainings promote acceleration of maturing of nervous cells of a cerebellum for this reason athletes who do gymnastics and figure skating and also dancers of the ballet have the most developed cerebellum.

Simple test for coordination

Before the occupations carry out the simple test which will help you to estimate with the kid, how well it can manage the movement.

For this purpose ask the child to wave a hand as when walking, that is right forward – left back and vice versa. Then let the kid alternately bends in a hand elbow, lifting and lowering them. Try to synchronize these actions with the movements of legs. Also carry out the test for coordination and balance which consists in the following:

  1. From a rack directly to put legs one after another so that the sock of one leg rested against a heel another.
  2. Eyes are open, hands can be parted in the parties.
  3. To try to keep balance as long as possible.

In such simple ways you will be able to estimate the level of development of coordination at your child and to start physical occupations.

Learn about a set of exercises on an extension for children and also about morning exercises for children of different age.

Coordination development exercises

Generally all exercises on development of coordination abilities are divided into static and dynamic. Let's bring some of them taking into account age.

For children of 2-3 years

For such little children it is the best of all to combine all occupations with walk at the playground, it will be so much more interesting to it:

  • usual walking (let goes independently, coordinating the movements of hands and legs);
  • walking with an obstacle (step over borders, sandboxes, etc.)
  • inclinations and squats (for example, behind toys);
  • increase complexity of performance, carrying out walking on logs, benches, borders, etc.;
  • conquest of a vertical ladder.

Important! Surely you are near the kid that at any moment of him it was possible to pick up and, thus, to save from unnecessary injuries.

For children of 4-5 years

At this age children control the body much better therefore it is possible to increase complexity level:

  • teach the kid to jump off from a log (bench), and then to descend at first one leg, then another;
  • walking on the flat line with the raised hands (a back equal, hands are raised aside and keep in such situation, several steps are taken, then hands are raised up, walking continues, etc.);
  • keeping of cargo on the head, for example, of the book, in a standing position when it well turns out, it is possible to add walking on a straight line.

For children of 6-7 years

At such age more difficult occupations, including with various objects are recommended:

  • exercises with a ball (the child picks up a ball, holds a correct posture, throws a ball up, then catches);
  • walking on a log (bench) with turns, hands at the same time constantly change situation: in the parties, up, behind the back, on a waist;
  • run forward, back, with turns;
  • jumps from a bench and on a bench.

Important! Children do not love monotony therefore change different types of occupations more often that they did not get bored. Very good example will be if you are engaged together!

For children of 8-10 years

At such age it is possible to start performance of a complex for coordination improvement which is recommended not only to children, but also adults:

  • rotation by the hands bent in elbows (the standing position, hands are bent in elbow joints, and fingers touch a shoulder, rotate hands diversely);
  • drawing of the imagined figures (hands are extended forward and at the same time describe different figures, for example, left – a circle, and right – a square);
  • jumps on classics (we do a jump by one leg, then two and so we alternate further);
  • rack on one leg (a standing position, one leg it is bent, hands aside and we keep balance of seconds 10-15, we change legs);
  • rack on one leg with a raising on a sock (standing positions, hands on a waist, one leg is bent in a knee and is taken aside, now rise by a sock and keep balance, repeat in other party).

It is also possible to do already familiar exercises on a log, a bench, the Swedish wall, rings, gradually complicating them.

Whether you know? In far Brazil the most terrible punishment for children is the ban on playing soccer.

The general games on coordination

Accustom children to be active. It is possible to take away them in sports section (soccer, swimming, gymnastics, acrobatics) or in dancing collective. Very good view of occupations which will help children to become dexterous are various games both static, and dynamic:

  • children begin to dance to the sound of music and on command (for example, to cotton) fade in a pose which were, it is possible to begin with several seconds of dying down, and then to extend this time;
  • we do swallow and we compete who will stay most longer;
  • we represent also a stork who very much likes to stand on one leg and as long as possible;
  • run with change of a trajectory according to agreed team;
  • trampolining.

Children like to play, it is cheerful and interesting to them. Therefore you find those games most of which of all are pleasant to the specific child and include them in daily trainings if you want the kid to grow up dexterous and courageous. And now, knowing how to improve its coordination, to make a body obedient, and movements coordinated, it was necessary things are easy – to do all this daily.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
