In most cases treatment does not guarantee ideally smooth and equal skin against acne - on it all the same there are unpleasant traces, scars and reddenings. The skin care needs to be thought over quite carefully to make the most complex impact and to recover from this illness.
1. We begin with disposal of pimples. The reasons for acne there is great variety - it is both hormonal problems, and bad food. You obviously should visit the endocrinologist who will check your blood for ratio of men's and women's hormones, and in case of any deviations will appoint the adjusting treatment. And here the daily menu is your full responsibility. diet have to be present both carbohydrates, and proteins and also variety of vitamins - especially important are vitamins of group B and vitamin C. They provide elasticity, freshness of skin and great complexion. Eat citrus, broccoli, nuts, refuse sweet and sparkling water - the result will be noticeable soon.
2. Drink water. Water not only expels the toxins which are the reason of pimples from your body (skin - one of the principal secretory organs!), but also provides timely and fast regeneration - micro wounds and inflammations will heal much quicker.
3. Do not touch the person, you do not press pimples and do not scratch the formed crusts - as transferring large number of microbes from hands, you only aggravate situation, and not healing wounds lead afterwards to formation of hems.
4. Peel your skin - buy soft belongings and use it every day. It is better if it contains natural extracts (for example, roses or camomiles). Peeled promotes active updating and regeneration of skin and also saves it from deep pollution which are the reason of pimples in most cases.
5. Do masks - for example, perfectly proved masks of clay (black, white or green) not only perfectly reduce inflammations, but also promote healing of traces from acne and to skin updating.