The elegant wattled hairstyle from the French braids will change appearance of any girl with long hair – such hairstyle looks unusually, draws attention of people around and creates on the head original relief pattern from the overwound wattled locks.
- It is simple to weave the French braids plaits – you will be able to study this science for one evening. For a start comb hair and make hair parting to the middle of the top, and then bring hair parting to nape, watching that it passed precisely in the middle of the head.
- Begin weaving of braids on the left side, and fix the right part of hair for convenience by clip. Comb the left part of hair from hair parting to nape, and then about the person allocate the thin lock going to temple from hair parting. Thickness of lock should not exceed 2.5 cm.
- In the direction from the face overwind lock in plait three times, and then clamp the turned-out plait the right hand. Continuing to hold plait, separate the left hand the second lock so that it was accurately under the first lock then also overwind it three times.
- Cross lock in the left hand with lock in the right hand, passing it under the first lock. Place both plaits in the right hand. Cross plaits, divide and again overwind then record them fingers.
- Separate new lock the left hand the same as previous, and then cross it with the lower lock, having carried out under upper lock. Trade plaits places and connect them in one lock. Take all plaits in the right hand, and then repeat the described actions, you will not reach the neck basis yet.
- Then you dopletit braid plait on all length of hair, overwinding locks and crossing them with each other. Record the end of braid elastic band. Now pass to the right part of hair – repeat all actions described above to receive mirror braid plait.
- For this purpose perform all stages in the opposite direction. Turn in the ends of both braids which at you will turn out upward and inside, and then under braid fix them by hairpins. Hairstyle tie with beautiful satin ribbon.