of lemon finds the application from extreme antiquity. It was used for prevention of scurvy, malaria and as antidote at sting of snake, it treated heart troubles, jaundice, poisonings and wounds. For receiving essential oil use two methods - cold extraction and method of steam distillation.
Essential oil of lemon contains large amount of vitamins, minerals, lemon and apple acids, sugar and carotene. Receiving one liter of oil requires about 70 kg of lemons. Now it is used in cosmetology, medicine, at production of perfumery and in cookery.
In the medical purposes oil is applied in the form of inhalations, grindings, bathtubs, it is used inside and sprayed indoors. As it has bactericidal properties, it is used during flu epidemic and at respiratory diseases. For this purpose it is necessary to add several drops of oil to the aromalamp or to solution for inhalation.
Oil of lemon is effective at insomnia, it lightens the mood, increases working capacity and removes feeling of fatigue.
At joint, muscles pains and varicosity oil is added to massage cream for simplification of state and if to drip 2 drops of oil in glass with water and to rinse mouth - it will allow to get rid of unpleasant smell. Besides, rinsings with such solution prevent development of caries, reduce bleeding of gums at periodontosis and do teeth by more white.
Nutritionists recommend lemon oil for weight reduction as it has ability to stimulate fat exchange and to interfere with fat adjournment. For this purpose it is necessary to accept 2 drops of oil 2 times a day, having dripped it in juice or on sugar piece. Also it is added to bathtub, and for disposal of cellulitis oil is added to cream and do massage of problem places. If it is necessary to get rid of dry callosities, it is enough to rub in them several drops of oil in the morning and in the evening. Very widely oil of lemon is applied also in cosmetology, it is added in cream for improvement of complexion, bleaching of skin, reduction of its fat content and expressiveness of the vascular drawing. Also it stops a little withering of skin and formation of new wrinkles as stimulates production of collagen. But it is necessary to consider that essential oil cannot be applied to skin in undiluted look, it is fraught with emergence of irritation and even burn. It is not recommended to use cream with addition of oil before campaign on the beach for the same reasons.
Oil of lemon needs to be added to cream or mask at the rate of 5 drops approximately on 10 grams of basis, and already then to apply to skin.
If lemon it is regular to oil hands, then after a while the skin on them will become softer, and nails will be less fragile. Oil of lemon stimulates growth of hair, reduces fat content, saves from dandruff, adds them beautiful gloss and strengthens natural shade. For this purpose it is necessary to add several drops of oil to water for rinsing, it is possible to add it to shampoo. Inside oil of lemon is applied at the elevated pressure, poisoning, headache, atherosclerosis of vessels, cholelithiasis and other diseases. One drop of oil it is necessary it is necessary to add to tea or juice, to accept twice a day. Also it is used for scaring away of ants, by moths and as means against itch. For aromatization of rooms several drops of oil in the aromalamp are enough to drip or to spread out about the room the cotton wool pieces moistened with it. For the purpose of disinfection of rooms add 3 drops of oil to 100 ml of water, wipe with such solution surfaces in the bathroom and in kitchen, it is possible to add other oils to it and to use as air freshener. In cookery oil of lemon is used for aromatization of drinks and various fish, vegetables and seafood dishes, 10 drops of oil replace one lemon.