How to treat a throat to the one-year-old kid? The child still absolutely small, something is difficult to induce him to do, and parents have to make difficult decisions. Many of them do not want to give to children antibiotics and strong medicines, and use the national and checked methods.
It is required to you
- - honey;
- - vodka;
- - vegetable oil;
- - table mustard;
- - flour;
- - soda;
- - salt;
- - iodine;
- - mustard plaster;
- - sea salt.
1. If at the child does it hurt? a throat, is the first symptoms colds, he can make compresses around bronchial tubes for the night for two hours, then the kid worries less. It is important to watch the child's temperature that he did not overcool and did not overheat!
2. For a compress take honey and vodka on a tablespoon, add a spoon of vegetable oil and a half of a spoon of mustard of the dining room. To give density, it is possible to add flour. Mix all this, smear on dense fabric and apply to the child closer to a neck to the area of bronchial tubes. That fabric kept, dress the child and tie a scarf cross-wise. In two hours remove a compress, change clothes and you watch body temperature.
3. Also as warming up of bronchial tubes use mustard plasters. Happens that mustard plasters very burning therefore it is better to put them through a towel. The problem of mustard plasters to warm up and if they burn down, then result will not be, there will only be a burn.
4. If you not strongly trust mustard plasters, then it is possible to part mustard powder with water and for density flour, to pack everything into a cellophane bag and to put on area of bronchial tubes. Cover with a towel and you hold 5-10 minutes.