Each child develops at own speed. There are, of course, average values according to which the child has to take the first steps in certain age or pronounce the first words. Usually parents very much show consideration for these average values and begin to worry if the kid in something lags behind peers. For example, what to do if the child of your neighbor in maternity hospital already started walking, and yours well does not wish to tear off a bottom from a floor in any way?
It is required to you
- bright suspended toys.
1. Very first that needs to be made — not to worry. If the kid is healthy, well creeps, and began to pronounce the first words even before peers — you have everything in a full order. Just time for the first steps did not come yet. You should not neglect development, of course, too, but the most important what it is necessary to take care of is to create to the kid need to go.
2. Attentively look narrowly at the living conditions. If the room close, and the kid can absolutely reach everything from a floor or from a bed, it is not necessary to go to it simply. Of course, opportunities move to more spacious room can't be. But something can be changed anyway. In several places of the room hang up objects, attractive to the kid. Arrange them at such height that the kid needed to rise and make at least one - having given to a step that to get them.
3. In more spacious room it is possible to make something like a didactic panel, having suspended toys on sufficient height and at some distance from each other. To get though some toy, the kid needs to get up and to reach following — to take a step. It is not excluded, of course, that the kid will act and differently — having got one toy, he will fall by a floor, the necessary distance will creep and again will rise. It's all right. Even if you did not achieve that goal for which you strove, the kid thought how to solve a problem, difficult for it, and at the same time solved it.
4. Some children do not wish to get up houses, but with pleasure do it in the yard or on the seasonal dacha. Take care of that the kid had the corresponding footwear. Of course, the child who just about will start walking needs not bootees and not knitted slippers, but normal boots on the real sole, besides such that they did not rub anywhere. In the yard and on giving temptations for the kid it is much more, than houses, a situation there constantly changes therefore also need to go arises more often. Pull out the kid from a carriage more often and you drive him for both handles.
5. The main — do not abuse the child and do not call him the idler. Otherwise as a result of the idler also receive. And here you do not stint a praise. If the kid took at least one step from a toy to a toy, do not forget to note it. Next time he will want to receive not only a toy, but also your smile and kind words.