The main question of psychology – a question of motivation. Correctly and steadily created, she allows to try to obtain tops and not to stop at the reached level. Of that how to increase motivation of the child, many parents think when he still absolutely small.
1. At everyone the tendencies and opportunities, investigate them since the earliest childhood. It will allow to establish precisely what sort information stimulates, makes active the child and includes it in interaction with the world around. Establish its sotsionichesky type at the expert. Types only 16 and for each of them separate recommendations are necessary.
2. If there is no opportunity to address the expert, take care of that the child had as much as possible various experience. Then it will be easier for it to find what includes it in interaction with the world. It is for this purpose optional to conduct the child on classes of different circles though it is good too. TV is watched practically by all children so the way suits all. Observe what movies and transfers are loved by your child and try to develop interest. If he likes to look about dog police officer adventures, buy him the good encyclopedia about guard dogs. If about beauty and fashion - find for him the magazine with fashionable hairstyles. Present to the young fan of sport small dumbbells. To the fan of a talk show – the toy microphone, and to the music lover – an unpretentious synthesizer. At the person who has hobbies and therefore – the increased level of vital energy the problems with motivation arise less than at sluggish and lacking initiative since childhood.
3. However to the person for formation of high motivation insufficiently just to be included in interaction with the world, it needs feedback from the world. In the form of assessment of abilities. Children preschool children often literally arise upon assessment. It would seem, it is necessary just to stimulate the child with praises and to condemn the wrong behavior. But everything is not so simple. First, estimate not each action, otherwise the child can be brought to neurosis or to make estimated "addict" who without it to a step cannot step. Secondly, estimate to be as much as possible objectively as though you put it not to the child, but the stranger. If the child painfully reacts to criticism, it is necessary in general to cease to give an assessment to his behavior and actions for some time.