The modern generation seriously faced a problem of children's obesity. What reasons of this phenomenon and methods of its prevention?
Obesity is an accumulation by a fat organism in excess quantity. Children's obesity is characterized by violation of balance of a ratio of weight and growth of the child more than for 15 percent from norm. The completeness and obesity can promote strengthening and such diseases as diabetes, a children's hypertension. Also load of joints raises. But one of the main problems of children's and teenage obesity are social and psychological problems which are connected with difficulties of establishment of contact, the low self-assessment of the child belongs here.
There is no one cause of children's obesity. Obesity at children arises owing to the whole set of the reasons: here it is possible to carry improper feeding, an inactive way of life, psychological problems. One of the main reasons is the discrepancy of amount of the developed energy and the consumed calories. That is, the child receives much more calories, than manages to spend in the course of the physical activity, activity and a metabolism.
An important role in children's obesity is played by heredity. Children whose parents have excessive weight are more subject to obesity. Besides hereditary predisposition, it is possible to carry also here that parents set to the child a bad example of the excessive consumption of food. If is the correct food, to observe a day regimen, to be engaged in physical activity, then and the child will follow this example. Then it is possible to get rid of problems with obesity.
The sleep debt, inactive way of life, the wrong day regimen is one more cause of obesity at children. Parents need to watch that the child did not sit late at the computer. If the problem nevertheless arose, then the child needs physical activities which will help to burn excess calories. It is also necessary to adhere to a strict diet which the doctor surely has to appoint.
It is impossible to starve the child or in everything to limit, it can cause a stress and problems with health. It is possible just to reduce the number of the consumed calories, to pass to healthier food. If to observe a work-rest schedule, to watch food and also to be objective in relation to the child, then and problems of obesity will step aside. If this hereditary, it is possible to get rid of obesity by usual physical activities and healthy nutrition. Besides it is necessary to address nutritionists, it will be quite good to address the psychologist as often obesity at children and teenagers is directly connected with psychological problems also.