Walkers are the adaptation helping the child to move on the apartment during this period when it has no independent skills of bipedalism yet. But about whether walkers are so necessary, there are contradictory opinions.
Why walkers are necessary
Adults place in this device of the kid, believing that thus they help it to develop quicker, in vertical position the level of the review is much more, than in horizontal not to mention that by means of the construction riding wheels the child has an opportunity to move. And if to consider that without walkers not all children are preferred to spend time in an arena, choosing hands of beloved mom, then the usefulness of this invention in this foreshortening is indisputable. But it was not also without shortcomings as about harm of walkers it is written hardly no more, than about their advantage.
Along with practical purpose the walkers can represent a sound toy therefore they are pleasant to children even more.
Harm and advantage of walkers
The advantage is obvious to mom: so far the child in walkers, it has an opportunity though to make something on economy, at the same time without worrying about safety of the kid as in qualitative models of walkers he cannot neither turn over, nor reach foreign objects. Also there is an opinion that the more variously around the child the world, and walkers allow to make it that, expanding surrounding space, the better and comprehensive the kid develops. Opponents of this device point that it creates excessive load of a weak backbone and also prevents the child to develop physically those rates which are put in it by nature as he receives skill of standing even earlier, than learns to turn over and sit down fully. Besides, movement in walkers is far from the principle of full walking therefore subsequently there can be difficulties with coordination of movements and a bearing. Regarding safety there are also cases that children after all turned over in walkers therefore parental supervision is all the same necessary.
If parents consider harm of walkers not excessive, in their use it is all the same necessary to know when to stop not to do much harm to health.
walkers are so necessary
The universal answer to this question cannot be as each parent makes this decision for the child himself. The great number of families with ease do without walkers, but also them use not smaller quantity with the same pleasure. At the same time it is necessary to consider that the relation of children to walkers also contradictory and not all like them. Therefore to check whether this adaptation so is necessary and whether there will be no its acquisition a useless investment of money it is possible only in the practical way.