Changes that concerned a circle of friends in the most popular social network VKontakte, caused a large number of negative reviews from users. And changed exactly here that: if you cancelled the application of the person about its adding to you in friends, now he will remain at you as the subscriber. Besides, any person unfamiliar to you can become the subscriber of your updates without adding to you in friends.
Changes of VKontakte
At a subscription to the person all its updates will be now and in your news feed. Also your updates will regularly appear in news of your subscribers. The subscription in friends differs from additive in the fact that the subscription is not mutually agreed process, and it will not be necessary to the person for a subscription to you your consent.
It is not absolutely pleasant to some users when people whom they do not know and the more so what there is even no wish to meet subscribe to their news (it can be, for example, the ex-boyfriend, the new girlfriend of the guy or the ex-girlfriend's guy). And spammers of whom it is full now not especially will please you with the presence.
Ways of removal of unwanted subscribers
Official ways of removal of subscribers of VKontakte do not exist. But there is several roundabout from which, at least, one precisely should help. At first it is possible to try to ask to unsubscribe politely the person, having written him the message. Or you can leave the message on a wall which will be addressed to all your subscribers. They surely will see then your message in the news feed and some of them will leave from among subscribers.
However there are no guarantees that unwanted subscribers so just from you will unsubscribe, of course. Not everyone will notice your message. Spammers, as a rule, will ignore your request, and you even do not want to write some people to avoidance of communication with them. And if subscribers it is rather big, to write everyone separately it will be quite tiresome pastime.
Fortunately, there is one more suitable option. It is in as much as possible to cut down access to subscribers to reading your personal information. For this purpose it is necessary to come into a menu item "my Settings", then to open the Privacy tab in which there is an opportunity to make your information seen a part only to friends.
It has a method one shortcoming. You not absolutely will manage to close access to subscribers to your data on the page, some part of information all the same will be visible.
It is possible to delete subscribers also by their adding in the black list. That to make it, on the page where there are subscribers, just guide the cursor at an avatar of any person and click on a small cross at the upper right. After that the window in which there will be a confirmation of entering of the subscriber in this list will appear. The person will have now no opportunity to send requests for friendship and to watch your page, besides, him it will not be visible among your subscribers.
If you for any reason decided to move away the person from the black list, you need to come into the section "My Settings", to find the user and to click on the link "Delete from the List". Consider that after removal from your black list, the account of the person will return to the list of subscribers again.