Classes in Minecraft many fans of this game will read some of the most interesting to themselves creation of various mechanisms and schemes. In such undertakings usually does not do without use of a red stone and also devices on its basis. For example, in some cases in the scheme the timer will be necessary.
The timer in mechanisms from a red stone in minecraft
It is necessary to tell that when "Maynkraft" was born, in the world of computer games there was already a lot of similar to it ""sandboxes"" (for example, terraria). However it pretty fast occupied own niche and was fallen in love to many gamers more, than some of its analogs. An opportunity to construct different mechanisms in this "miner's" game became one of the reasons of such state of affairs probably just.
In any of the schemes created by players, a special role plays redstone - in the form of red torches or dust. The last performs function of the wires connecting between themselves parts of the mechanism here. Does not do without redstone and in the timer.
They can consist of different elements, but often where signal delay of a red stone (redstone) is required, players install the timer. This term covers the whole group of devices, and not all from them will look as hours.
The simplest version of the timer - the clock generator - represents itself a chain from at least three (otherwise everything will fuse) inverters. The last in a different way are called valves of denial (NOT) and are the devices returning the signals opposite to that were received by them through wires from a red stone.
However much more often players construct timers from repeaters (or combine them with inverters). At such schemes there are a lot of shortcomings, but and to destination to the they often are "disposable" - for example, serve for activation of dynamite in simple traps.
The repeaters (called into English of manners repeaters) are manufactured of three stone blocks which are located in the lower horizontal number of a workbench. In its central slot unit of dust of a redstone, and on each side from it - two red torches is put.
It is very simple to create the timer with repeaters for single use. For this purpose it is necessary to put on the earth or on a floor in a row some number of repeaters, and along it - almost same, but that devices in it were one less. On this empty square it is necessary to place dust of a redstone and to carry out from it a track aside, and on the end of this wire to install the lever.
To more long line of repeaters from the opposite short side it is also necessary to fill a redstone to whose other end to connect dynamite. When the trigger lever is clicked, explosion (for several seconds on which it will be delayed, created such miner device already will manage to run off far away) will sound after a while.
How to make the ordinary timer
However, if there is a wish to build something similar for the hours counting seconds it is necessary to work a little differently. The simplest device of this type (with demonstration of digits from zero to nine) requires many red torches, repeaters and dust of a redstone, any firm blocks and 21 sticky pistons.
At first it is necessary to put up a wall height in eleven blocks, two thick and seven wide. In it to make through openings in the form of not closed eight (similar to that which is visible on a board of the electronic clock) so that each of "strokes" in it was the size in three blocks (all such groups it will turn out seven). Insert into these openings all sticky pistons on the second layer of a wall.
Timers can permanently function - if their schemes it is arranged so that they work automatically. However sometimes they "stiffen" at restart of the world or when players move away from them more, than on ten chanok.
From a reverse side of a wall to connect between itself all groups of pistons wires from a redstone. Then to each horizontal line of the eight to put three repeaters, and to vertical rows - on one. Bring red dust to each repeater.
From the back of future timer - it is a little at some distance from it and parallel to it - to lay out ten lines on seventeen firm blocks in everyone. The distance between them should be in two cubes. On each of ranks only on the one hand (for all identical) it is necessary to expose seven torches, receding on two blocks from regions of lines and taking a step to one block. Connect all this design a snake, having delivered firm blocks.
Now it is necessary to draw lines from a redstone on top, receding on two blocks at the beginning of each new round of the turned-out figure and ignoring its short parties (but at the same time it is necessary to put "ends" from a red stone on corners). After that to fill krasnokamenny dust only under torches.
Along lines - from the party, opposite to red lamps, - to place repeaters. By the way, all repeaters in this design it is better to put on the maximum delay (especially if the computer not really powerful).
It was necessary only to carry out ranks of dust of a redstone across a snake (but only on the ground, without filling anything on the blocks making it), having connected among themselves the torches installed on its walls. To connect the turned-out seven tracks to each of the parties of the eight of the timer (at the same time on one of sections of the scheme it is necessary to put some more repeaters).
Since the opposite end of a snake it is a little to put at some distance the block with the button, having brought to it a wire from a redstone. Close openings in a timer board - where there are sticky pistons, - firm blocks in one layer level with a wall. At turning on of the device, digits will begin to blink.