Perhaps, it is difficult to find the person indifferent to chocolate. Delicacy with noble deep aroma can become a source of really unearthly pleasure provided that it is made of quality ingredients and with respect for technology. How to choose chocolate that it was not only fragrant and tasty, but also useful?
Ideal chocolate is a cocoa weight (cocoa mass), cocoa butter and … all. Beans of a tree of cocoa contain useful substances (antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins) and have valuable properties which are confirmed by nutritionists, beauticians and even stomatologists. Therefore if as a part of a chocolate bar the first these two products appear, it is possible "to tick off" – most likely, you a right way.
The best chocolate as a basis shouldn't contain cocoa powder (in fact it is waste of processing of cocoa mass, the dried-up cake) and the more so – substitutes of valuable cocoa butter (the most widespread - coconut and palm). The product becomes cheaper, and its consumer qualities considerably decrease. The most unpleasant in it is that sometimes and expensive chocolate contains these undesirable components in structure.
In terms of dietology black, or bitter, chocolate – the most useful. Than cocoa (not less than 75%, and it is better from 85%) higher than some, especially the welcome guest it has to be in the menu. The correct product contains a minimum of carbohydrates and at the same time very nourishing due to high content of fats - couple of segments of such chocolate are quite nutritious having a snack which isn't harming neither a figure, nor the vital systems of an organism.
It is desirable to store chocolate in the conditions which aren't allowing temperature drops, differently it becomes covered by a gray scurf (though it practically doesn't affect taste). The quality product has equal opaque or with a light outflow a surface, breaks with a dry crash, possesses harmonious, slightly astringent taste. It is recommended to eat no more than several segments a day – this quantity enough to keep a figure, to increase serotonin level in blood and, the main thing, - to find true happiness of the gourmet.