Pork with dried apricots and prunes

Pork with dried apricots and prunes

Meat according to this recipe turns out very soft. Despite presence at the recipe of dried apricots and prunes, a dish it turns out not so sweet. Is suitable for a lunch or a dinner.

It is required to you

  • - 1 kg of pork;
  • - 100 g of prunes;
  • - 100 g of dried apricots;
  • - mayonnaise;
  • - salt, spices to taste.


1. A pork steak with a fat wash a baking plate with flowing water, lay out on a paper towel that all excess moisture left. Then fill prunes and dried apricots. If dried fruits at you very dry, then previously them it is necessary to wet for 2-3 hours in cold water.

2. Then strew the filled steak with pepper and salt. You can add any spices to taste. From all directions miss the mark with mayonnaise.

3. Lay a form for roasting by a foil. If you want, you can spread out from above pieces of the peeled potatoes - meat with a ready garnish will turn out at once. Densely inwrap pork in a foil, remove in an oven for 1-1.5 hours, prepare at an average temperature - 180 degrees.

4. Pierce meat a knife - if from it transparent, but not pink juice flows, then meat is already ready. Open a foil and cook pork even minutes 5-10 that it was reddened.

5. Pork with dried apricots and prunes is the most tasty hot, don't wait until it cools down, give to a table at once. You can decorate with the fresh crushed greens from above. Instead of potato you can separately prepare any other garnish to taste.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
