Separate food as way of weight loss

Separate food as way of weight loss

The person wishing to lose weight can try not one diet before finds that diet which will allow it to lose successfully excess weight and not to lose at the same time pleasure from life. One of systems popular recently – the principle of separate food.

Scientific justification of a system of separate food

The naturopath Herbert Shelton is considered the ancestor of a system of separate food. Based on Pavlov's works, he came to a conclusion that at receipt in a stomach of food only of one look enzymes work more actively. If you use a certain difficult dish, some products will be digested at once, and others will patiently wait for the turn that will lead to fermentation and rotting.

Confirmations of this theory can be found in notes of doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome which made lists of the most successful combinations of products. Their recommendations coincide with the theory of separate food.

Modern scientists criticize this concept. All food which came to a stomach is digested at the same time, without adhering to any sequence. Specialists nutritionists also agree with them.

In certain cases the organism is really incapable to digest at the same time two products. However it is pathology and demands medical intervention, but not use of a diet.

Whether separate food helps to lose weight

Perhaps, a part of statements of Shelton also was wrong, however you shouldn't refuse at once the principle of separate food – in it there are also pluses. For example, this scheme offers fractional acceptance of food that very positively affects a figure. Separate food doesn't assume abundance of viands on a table – it is impossible to regale on fried potatoes with chicken. And it means what becomes much more difficult to be overeaten. And meat with vegetables, and rice with bean to an organism to acquire really more simply, than abundance of heavy food. If you adhere to the recommended menu, weight loss won't keep itself waiting long – in a month it is possible to get rid of 4-6 kilograms, not too limiting itself and not being tormented with feeling of hunger.

Essence of separate food

The system of separate food offers the list of the products and their combinations recommended for the use. The main ban – it is impossible to use proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. The diet suggests to combine meat, fish and a bird with green vegetables which don't contain starch. With the same vegetables it is necessary to use bean – lentil, haricot, beans, peas. Starchy vegetables – potatoes, sweet potato, turnip, a garden radish and swede can't be combined with meat products. It is better to use them as an independent dish, or together with the same green vegetables. Fruit should be eaten in itself, and it is desirable to do it in 15-20 minutes prior to the main acceptance of food. Milk – one more product which doesn't love "neighbors". It is better to drink it on a hungry stomach, and it is only possible to start food half an hour later. Mushrooms were carried by Shelton to neutral group that allows to use them with any product which attracted to you. Looking for recipes, give preference to boiled dishes, the food cooked in the double boiler or on a grill. It will render the greatest advantage for an organism.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
