"Than nuts are useful: walnut, cedar, Brazilian and others

"Than nuts are useful: walnut, cedar, Brazilian and others

Nuts were loved and eaten in the history of mankind at all times. The product was eaten in the raw, fried, added to the first and second courses, to desserts. In what advantage and whether there is a harm from consumption of nuts, we will consider in this article.

Filbert: advantage and harm

As a part of hazelnut there are a lot of vitamins, minerals, organic acids necessary for organism, fat and amino acids. The filbert in reasonable quantities can provide standard daily rate of potassium, magnesium, tocopherol, sulfur and other elements. He is responsible for the structure of bone and muscle tissue, health of teeth and skin, hair and nails, work of a brain and many vitals and the systems of an organism.

Learn what vitamins are useful to work of memory and a brain and where to look for them.

For men

Advantage of a filbert for the stronger sex:

  • antioxidant properties help to clean an organism from toxins (work on heavy and harmful production, smoking and alcohol intake);
  • the filbert is a source of protein which is useful to athletes, especially in weightlifting or bodybuilding;
  • after hard physical activity or trainings the handful of a filbert will help to restore forces;
  • recommended at prostate adenoma;
  • it is useful to men at impotence, improves potency;
  • improves quality of semen.

For women

Women were concerned at all times how they look. The filbert is rich with beauty vitamin the tocopherol and minerals which are responsible for density of hair, elasticity and youth of skin, fortress of nails.

Besides, it is famous also for another and qualities:

  • the regular use is prevention of varicosity;
  • saturation minerals restores a hormonal background and facilitates the menopause period;
  • during pregnancy — it is a source of the minerals necessary for normal development of an embryo and support of health of future mother;
  • during breastfeeding gives fat contents to milk, strengthens a lactation.

Important! It is undesirable to use daily to people insulin-dependent, with liver diseases, obesity.

Hazelnut will not do harm if to eat no more than 30 grams a day, at overdose the headache is possible.

Pine nuts: advantage and harm

Seeds of cedar cones the most expensive nuts, first they ripen very long, secondly, bring together them in eco-friendly regions. Mighty cedars grow far from production areas and autobahns. These nutlets incorporate a huge reserve of the mineral and other substances, vitamins useful for immune, respiratory, digestive and the other systems of a male and female body.

Learn how to shell.

For men

Useful properties of nutlets for a male body:

  • at heavy physical activities improve elasticity of muscles and connecting fabric, endurance and help to be restored;
  • well affect a reproductive system, promoting production of male sex hormones;
  • positively influence work of a prostate;
  • improve potency and an erection;
  • support work of a cardiac muscle, brain, strengthen the musculoskeletal device.

For women

Let's consider advantage for a weak half of mankind:

  • having a snack cedar seeds reduces appetite that promotes weight loss;
  • the regular use favorably influences restoration of an organism after critical days, reduces painful symptoms;
  • the product helps to normalize a dream, to struggle with neurosises and symptoms of uneasiness;
  • it is used as prevention from diseases of urinary tract and gynecologic problems;
  • the shell is used in cosmetology as means for removal of undesirable hair.

Study useful properties of cedar oil and tincture.

Whether it is possible at pregnancy

Pregnancy is not the ban on the use of cedar seeds, but it is necessary to use them with care. These nutlets belong to group of allergenic products, the protective system of an organism of pregnant women can take proteins of nut for an element, alien and dangerous to a fruit, and show undesirable reaction.

If before pregnancy the woman quietly ate a product without consequences, then in small amounts it will be useful to it as it contains a set of useful substances, necessary during this period. The product has no contraindications. It is not necessary to use it to allergic persons or to try for the first time with care. It is undesirable to give to small children, because of the small sizes of a product: the child can choke.

It is undesirable to be overzealous in the use as the overdose will provoke collateral reaction also:

  • small tortoiseshell;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • indigestion.

The standard daily rate of pine nuts is no more than 50 grams, abuse can provoke the increased protein level in an organism that will affect health of kidneys and a liver.

Learn how to expel moonshine on pine nuts.

Than cashew nuts are useful

Cashew is widely used in India as medicine. Thanks to vitamin group: to tocopherol, thiamine, Riboflavinum, ascorbic acid and group of amino acids of cashew maintains health of many systems of an organism.

For men

Are useful to male population of cashew the following properties:

  • strengthening of sexual desire;
  • production of men's hormones;
  • improvement of quality of semen;
  • to smokers reduction of negative impact from nicotine;
  • reduction of perspiration;
  • increase in physical endurance;
  • growth of hair (it is favorable for inclined to early baldness, fans of a beard or magnificent mustache).

Whether you know? The high price of cashew is caused by the fact that its razdelyvaniye and clarification occurs manually. The fact is that the film between nut and its shell is fatally poisonous, exclusively trained people clean a product, later process thermally for the safe use.

For women

Cashew also is not less useful to women:

  • strengthening and recovery of the injured hair;
  • elasticity of integuments;
  • normalization of work of sebaceous glands;
  • removal of freckles and pigmentary spots;
  • favorable impact on a hormonal background, sexual desire;
  • decrease in unpleasant and painful symptoms of a menstrual cycle, restoration after blood loss.

Harmful nut can be only at the unlimited use and also for allergic persons. The crude product cannot be eaten: it is toxic therefore sell it only in the fried look.

Learn how to distinguish and find an allergy.

Advantage and harm of walnuts for an organism

Walnut or voloshsky nut — the most known and habitual for us, in its former Soviet Union cultivate long ago and successfully. Than it is useful and, perhaps, is harmful, let's understand.

For women

Useful properties:

  • alignment of tone of face skin;
  • strengthening of hair and alignment of the line of their growth, disposal of dandruff;
  • strengthening of nails and teeth;
  • the shell is used as means of deep cleansing for face skin;
  • juice helps to depilate undesirable a body;
  • the nutshell is natural dye for hair;
  • help in production of women's hormones;
  • support of an endocrine system;
  • improvement of ability of cages to regeneration, control of formation of wrinkles;
  • medicines on the basis of nut and its components help with treatment of mastopathy, erosion of a neck of the uterus, myoma, tumor of a mammary gland.

Whether it is possible at pregnancy and breastfeeding

At pregnancy the product is recommended by the observing gynecologist as is a source vital for mother and a fruit of elements:

  • magnesium;
  • folic and ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins E, And;
  • iron and calcium;
  • potassium and other.

All this set strengthens protective forces of an organism of mother, improves warm activity, helps a fruit to develop normally, reducing risk of pathologies.

Important! It is undesirable to use at pregnancy a product daily: it can increase risk of appearance of asthma and allergy in the child in the future. During this period it is desirable to eat nuts moderately, no more than five times in three-four days.

Whether it is possible to recover

Walnut is recommended by most of nutritionists for weight loss, but at the same time it is necessary to adhere to the developed menu excluding a number of products (flour, fat meat). Vegetable fats will be quickly burned, sating an organism with energy instead of being postponed in fat layers. Besides, the protein which is contained in a product is capable to replace meat, and is digested and split much quicker, than protein of animal origin.

If not to follow the rule, then from high-calorie walnut nutlets instead of weight loss it is possible to recover considerably.

Learn how correctly and quickly to shell.

For men

The properties rendered on an organism:

  • help in production of testosterone;
  • blood circulation improvement, including in a groin zone;
  • growth of muscle bulk;
  • strengthening of nervous system;
  • support of a liver;
  • prevention of prostatitis and impotence.

The recipe for potency

Preparation of means requires ten kernels of nut, 100 ml of water and two tablespoons of honey. The cleaned and crushed kernels fill in with boiled water and leave for two hours. Later add honey to weight, divide into two times.

For children

The product is extremely important for a children's organism as it is a source valuable and necessary for growth and development of substances:

  • iodine — an endocrine system (formation of a thyroid gland);
  • phytoncides and antioxidants — strengthening of protective properties of an organism (it is especially important in regions with bad ecology);
  • calcium, silicon, phosphorus — growth of muscle, connecting, bone bulk;
  • iron, copper — the haematogenic system;
  • polyunsaturated acids — mental activity, concentration of attention, memory;
  • potassium and magnesium — a cardiac muscle, nervous system;
  • vitamins — health of skin, a hair, nails, teeth.

Study rules of cooking for the child.

It is not recommended to give in food to children up to two years as the product can cause an allergy. Besides, it is heavy for not created digestive system. You remember, the overdose by a product is capable to provoke inflammation of a mucous membrane of a mouth.

Features of the use

The rich chemical composition of walnut is suitable not for all, the people having a number of serious diseases before the use have to consult with the attending physician about a possibility of addition of a product in a diet.

At gastritis

At gastritis, especially in aggravation stages, a product is forbidden as rough food fibers in its structure aggravate a disease. In a remission stage, on condition of gastritis with the increased acidity, the use in number of no more than 40 grams is allowed, but at the same time it is necessary to listen to the state.

The product at other gastrointestinal diseases is also undesirable: enterokolit, colitis, pancreatitis.

Nut can do much harm at skin diseases of chronic type, at the increased blood clotting.

Learn how the use at gastritis of sea-buckthorn oil, apples, oat kissel, sunflower seeds of a sunflower, maple syrup, a tea mushroom affects human health.

At diabetes

At this illness, unlike gastric diseases, on the contrary, nut, and not only kernels is welcomed. Make medicines which have the following medical effect on the diabetic's organism of its different parts:

  • reduce comprehensibility of sugar in intestines;
  • slow down release of glucose from food, lowering its level;
  • reduce feeling of thirst and hunger;
  • normalize arterial blood pressure;
  • support work of nervous system and heart;
  • accelerate processes of cell regeneration;
  • improve metabolism.

Study properties of oil of walnut, partitions of walnut, green walnuts jam.

Almonds: advantage and harm

Eat sweet almonds, use a grade of bitter almonds generally in the cosmetic industry.

The rich structure caused a number of positive actions for an organism:

  • cardiovascular system;
  • immunity;
  • digestive tract;
  • reproductive abilities;
  • nervous, endocrine and haematogenic systems.

For men

Influence on male health:

  • almonds rich with protein are useful to athletes, help to gain muscle bulk; increases working capacity and restoration after heavy physical activities;
  • thanks to zinc and a pine forest it stimulates testosterone synthesis, increases potency and quality of sperm;
  • amino acids and minerals as a part of almonds strengthen blood circulation in genitals;
  • prevent premature ejaculation.

Important! Abuse mindalyom can cause failure in the system of digestion, lead to a lock and also is considerable increase fat deposits.

For women

Action on a female body:

  • strengthening of nervous system and normalization of a dream;
  • health of skin — elasticity, regeneration, elimination of small wrinkles, elimination of eels and an acne, normalization of work of sebaceous glands;
  • strengthening of hair and nails;
  • elimination of postnatal extensions;
  • fight against cellulitis.

Whether it is possible at pregnancy

At pregnancy, almonds in moderate quantities are necessary to the woman:

  • for reduction of risk of an abortion;
  • for elimination of nausea at toxicosis;
  • for elimination of heartburn;
  • for reduction of risk of pathologies of a nervous tube of a fruit;
  • for completion of useful elements in an organism.

Learn, than almond milk and almond oil is useful.

Brazil nut

Brazil nuts as it is clear from the name, it is from South America. There they grow on bertoletion trees which grow to forty five meters in height.

The popularity to a product was brought by curative properties, such as:

  • strengthening of immunity;
  • improvement of work of a thyroid gland;
  • decrease in level of sugar in blood;
  • destruction of cholesteric plaques;
  • metabolism improvement.

For men

Useful properties:

  • reduction of risk of diseases of an urinogenital system;
  • increase in a libido;
  • normalization of level of men's hormones in an organism;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases and obesity;
  • improvement of work of testicles;
  • reduction of risk of a prostate cancer;
  • increase in mobility and viability of spermatozoa.

At uncontrollable consumption the decrease in testosterone, gastric pains, head spasms is possible.

Whether you know? Harvesting of the Brazilian fruits is carried out only in the habitat, artificially grown up trees do not yield a harvest. And all because wild bees and bumblebees who are flown to aroma of the creeping orchid lodging on bertoletion trunks pollinate trees.

For women

The product is useful to the fair sex for many reasons:

  • well influences reproductive function;
  • helps to restore a hormonal background;
  • promotes treatment of problems of face skin;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • rejuvenescence and acceleration of cell regeneration;
  • removal of slags and toxins;
  • reduction of risk of malignancies.

Pecan: advantage and harm for an organism

Black fox is from North America, he is considered the relative of walnut because of the similar building and a form. Black fox very much kaloriyen, practically advances pork in this indicator twice, but considering plant origin his squirrel and fats, is quickly acquired by an organism.

The product used in moderate quantities does not threaten with a set of excess weight and perfectly is suitable for easy having a snack.

Whether you know? The tree black fox since 1906 is an official symbol of the State of Texas.


Curative properties:

  • the product is useful to men of hazardous and traumatic occupations fast healing of wounds, elimination of hematomas;
  • to athletes it helps to be restored after the trainings, to fill the spent energy;
  • to bodybuilders to fill reserves of linoleic acid;
  • to mature men helps to support sexual function, improves an erection;
  • to the men inclined to completeness, having a snack nuts will help to appease feeling of hunger, thereby reducing risk of overeating;
  • is prevention against a prostate cancer.


Black fox is useful to women the following properties:

  • reduces risk of development of varicosity;
  • favorably influences a condition of hair and skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • accelerates processes of cell regeneration;
  • reduces risk of breast cancer;
  • helps with treatment of gynecologic diseases;
  • it is used in the cosmetic procedures including rejuvenating;
  • at observance of a diet helps to lose excess weight.

Learn how nuts influence sex.

It is undesirable to both men, and women to use a product in unlimited number, it will lead to excess weight. Besides, it is possible gipervitaminoz, a small tortoiseshell and disorder of digestion. There are no contraindications to consumption of black fox.

Advantage of different types of nuts: video

Let's sum up: above and above the listed nuts, undoubtedly, are useful. At the regular use in moderate dosages, the product will fill up reserves of vitamins and minerals and also will serve as prevention of some diseases.

Learn, than pistachios, peanut, black nut, a macadamia, nutmeg, chestnuts, cocoes are useful.

Only thing that nuzhn"

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
