Kuznetsov's applicator — adaptation in the form of a rug with needle plates. What is it, why and where it is used, we will consider in article.
At the Union this adaptation gained wide popularity. It did not lose the relevance and now. Represents a piece of fabric, square or rectangular. On it plates on which tips needles are fixed are attached. Kuznetsov's applicator compact, strong, durable, simple in use, inexpensive.
Principle of operation of the applicator of Kuznetsov very simple. So simple that the detailed instruction for application is not even required.
It will be interesting to you to learn for what use acupuncture and what is acupuncture
Needles on the ends of a plate influence the nervous terminations which covered the surface of skin. It is the same acupuncture, only simultaneous, or acupressure by needles. Any nervous termination, anyway, is connected with a certain body in a human body. At impact on it through skin there is a normalization, activation of this body, and through it and all organism. In other words, adaptation is nothing but a stimulator.
Whether you know? Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov created the device, having inspired by the ideas of the Chinese medicine, for own treatment. He seriously got poisoned with poison for cockroaches.
Treatment is carried out by courses. Thanks to it the following effects are reached:
- the metabolism is normalized;
- the system of blood supply also returns to normal;
- skin and mucous are quicker restored;
- the immunity increases;
- the mode of a dream is normalized;
- back, muscles, joints pains decrease;
- the vitality increases;
- the organism in general relaxs.
The applicator of Kuznetsov which advantage and harm are studied long ago is successfully used at treatment of the following diseases:
- Nervous pathologies.
- Sciatica.
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal device.
- Cervical osteochondrosis (roller modification).
- Bronchitis.
- Gastritis.
- Inflammations of a uterus.
- Obesity.
- Diabetes.
Important! Kuznetsov's applicator is contraindicated to pregnant women.
The principle of a method in a broad sense — normalization of a metabolism.
The correct use of a method has to be followed only by pleasant feelings.
- pacification;
- rest;
- drowsiness;
- slackness.
Any method, and Kuznetsov's applicator — not an exception has contraindications. It is impossible to mass the nervous terminations if are available:
- serious chronic illness;
- skin diseases;
- the increased temperature;
- oncology;
- low pain threshold.
Whether you know? In the USSR 80 million applicators were sold, 5 million are exported to China.
This device, either massage rug, or the gadget — somehow, is very good help in fight for health, it with ease it is possible to use houses.