As in the fall to prepare the place for spring landing of clematises

As in the fall to prepare the place for spring landing of clematises

Clematises, as we know, can perfectly decorate any personal plot. Therefore these flowers need to be planted for giving to garden of a decorative type, to kitchen garden or green hedge.

It is required to you

  • - Shovel, bucket;
  • - Mineral fertilizers: superphosphate, slaked lime;
  • - Organic fertilizers: compost, humus, wood ashes;
  • - Good place on personal plot.


1. That it is correct to plant clematises in the spring, even in the fall for them prepare hole. Are engaged in it at the end of October - prior to freezing of the soil.

2. At the first stage of preparation choose the place. It has to be protected from direct winds which can break or mix plants among themselves. Clematises in the course of growth form big green material of stalks and flowers. They are fed by very strong system of roots which is deeply getting into the earth. Therefore on the site where you want to plant these flowers, there has to be friable, water-permeable, loamy and high-fertile soil. Clematises cannot be planted on clay sites with the increased acidity. One more important condition is the lack of underground waters at depth up to 1 m and more. On the site there has to be good drainage.

3. The next stage during the autumn period of preparation of clematises for landing is directly arrangement of hole. These flowers because of strong root system demand deep soil cultivation. On friable soils dig out holes the sizes of 60*60*60 cm, and on more dense – 70*70*70 cm. Then on bottom fill small layer of beaten brick or crushed stone. It will also be drenazhy for flowers.

4. Further prepare mix for charge of landing hole. 2-3 buckets of humus or compost mix with the same amount of fertile soil. Also add mineral fertilizers to this structure: superphosphate (100 g), slaked lime (200 g) and wood ashes (200 g). On heavier soils it is necessary to dilute this mix with coarse sand. All carefully mix and fill up landing hole. Up to the top do not fill up about about 10 cm, leaving space for top soil.

5. In such look the hole is left till spring, without doing any additional shelters. After snow thawing it will be possible to fill up it with up to the end good soil in the spring and to plant clematises. And already these flowers will shortly please your look.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
