After harvesting of currant there comes the responsible time: to provide good harvest next year, it is necessary to take care of it already now. The correct fertilizing is very important at this time and in order that plants were safely wintered, have not weakened and have not frozen.
What fertilizers are necessary to currant in the fall?
After return of harvest of plant turn out weakened therefore need fertilizing by mineral and organic fertilizers. To help them to get ready for winter, it is necessary to pay attention to entering into the soil of potash and phosphoric fertilizers, and from nitric it is better to refuse as they are capable to interfere with this process. The gardener can solve itself what fertilizers should use to feed up currant, but are most effective for autumn use the following recipes:
- On bucket of water it is necessary to take 20 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate, 200 g of wood ashes, it is good to mix and water bush at the roots. On one plant – one bucket of nutritious solution;
- 60 g (3 tablespoons) of sulfate of potassium, 60 g of superphosphate to dissolve in 30 l of cold water and to water bushes under roots;
At unwillingness to use mineral fertilizers the gardener quite can manage entering into the soil only of organic fertilizers, for this purpose it is possible to use the following components: - On 1 l of dry bird's dung it is necessary to take 12 l of water, to insist 7-10 days, then to add 0.5 l of this infusion on water bucket and to water currant bushes under roots on grooves. - The same way solution of mullein or compost is prepared – it is filled in with water in the ratio 1:12, insisted 7-10 days, prepare working solution (0.5 l of mullein on 10 l of water) and water bushes.
What it is necessary to be afraid at autumn fertilizing of
After harvesting the gardener in stock has not enough time in time to bring fertilizing, it is necessary to make it until the end of summer. If to be late with this important issue, the plant will enter winter unprepared and can die at the first hard frosts. Especially dangerously late introduction of nitrogen fertilizers: they stimulate growth of new fabrics, at the same time the plant cannot save up sufficient stock of useful elements which interfere with destruction by frost in the branches. Besides currant bushes in this case are defenseless against fungal infections. Also at autumn fertilizing chlorine which can contain in mineral fertilizers too is harmful. It is possible to fertilize plants differently: to use as traditional way which provides entering of liquid fertilizers into grooves around plant, and surface, at which fertilizers in a dry form distribute on the surface of the soil, and then rake mix with the soil. In such a way it is possible to bring compost and humus, and to do it it is possible to the frosts as these components in addition warm roots of plants and are not dissolved till spring. Nutrients from these fertilizers will begin to come to root system only in the next summer season. That the effect of introduction of these organic fertilizers was more notable, it is necessary to bring them step by step, several times during the season. The great value by preparation of bushes for winter is played by also correct cutting and timely forming of bushes that at winter only the healthy intact branches "left".