Now the mankind reaches for the nature more and more, many get private sites and personal houses on them. Advantages of such houses weight. And construction of country house, has appeared, not only simple, but also pleasant occupation.
1. Begin construction with the creation of the project of your owner-occupied dwelling. You can acquire the ready project, but it will not please you with the originality and uniqueness. In general all on sale projects are similar at each other.
2. If you want your site and constructions on it to strike neighbors and guests with the singularity, then you can invite the architect. The expert will in details ask you on what result you want to receive as a result and being guided by this information, will develop the project of the house and other constructions.
3. You can make the project and independently. But consider - in this case after all knowledge and skills of the expert are necessary. If you do not have those, do not risk - ask for the help.
4. So, the project of the house is ready. Usually the house is located in 6-7 meters from that edge of the parcel which adjoins to the passerby or traffic area. If the house is located closer, then the huge amount of dust and dirt is provided to you. Still to minimize amount of dirt, land strip of bushes or trees from this party. They will serve you as green hedge.
5. From the edges adjacent to neighbour's sites, the house has to be located in 3-4 meters.
6. Now time to decide on materials of which the house will be under construction has come. The most popular materials: tree, brick, foam concrete blocks. Tree – eco-friendly, heat-resistant. The brick differs in the high strength. Foam concrete blocks possess fine sound insulation, fire resistivity.
7. For construction you for certain should employ the team of workers. Alone it will be very difficult to you to be engaged in such grandiose work. Cooperate with the team of masters who will turn your project into reality. Listen to their councils, help them, and then you will finish all the work.