Exterior and term of operation of working surfaces in many respects depends on of what material they are made. It concerns also kitchen table-tops. Among all materials used for their production, special attention the artificial stone differing in practicality, durability and wear resistance deserves.
The artificial stone is composite material. Acrylic resin and natural filler as which white clay is used is its part. It from the polymeric glue and multi-colored granules allowing to imitate structure of natural stone is made. Earlier the table-top made from artificial stone was considered as one of luxury goods. Today it is the means available to everyone significantly facilitating life to the owner of kitchen. At production of such table-top the artificial stone is pasted on plywood, the forming top basis.
What to pay attention when choosing table-top from artificial stone to
Table-tops from stone are presented at the modern market in wide color range. To the touch they smooth and warm that cannot be told about natural stone. Subsequently not to be upset from type of scratches which can develop on surface at any time when choosing it is worth giving preference to light table-tops with average and large fraction. On dark glossy top of scratch are much more noticeable.
The such table-top is cheaper, the material used at its production is less plastic and more fragile. Direct table-tops as from it it is almost impossible to create curved forms are most often made of cheaper artificial stone. One of the main advantages of artificial stone is the lack of visible joints at connection of table-top. It is worth paying attention to it even when choosing top as some producers for the purpose of reduction of cost of product, do not fulfill the specifications imposed to connections. Because of it the table-top becomes unstuck in places of joints therefore it becomes useless. Table-top thickness from artificial stone can vary within 2 - 7 cm. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that, the facing is thicker, the table-top will be more expensive. As for its width, it has to correspond to depth of kitchen curbstone. If desired it is possible to choose also wider, but in this case she will act over facades of kitchen.
Advantages of table-tops from artificial stone
The artificial stone has high plasticity. It allows to create from it various bent forms that is extremely necessary for kitchens with radial facades. Table-tops from such stone are eco-friendly, are not afraid of water and also chemical-resistant and are durable. The cracks formed on their surface because of heavy blow, or chips can be repaired easily. Due to the lack of time in artificial stone, on plate from it the mold and harmful fungi does not appear. It is easy to look after such table-top and simply. For this purpose it is enough to wipe surface with the soft rag, the wetted in soap solution. Instead of soap it is possible to use any means intended for washing of ware which part abrasive particles are not.