How to grow up honeysuckle on the seasonal dacha

How to grow up honeysuckle on the seasonal dacha

The honeysuckle edible is early culture which fruits have pleasant taste and are vitamin-rich, pectins, sugars, mineral salts, bioactive agents. From fruits of honeysuckle cook compotes, jams, jam, jelly, leaves use for preparation of medical infusions.

Where to plant plant?

To grow up honeysuckle, at first it is necessary to pick up the place correctly. This bush well grows on moisture capacious, loamy and sandy soils. If the soil on your site acidified, then before landing of honeysuckle it is necessary to bring lime in it.

If you wish to receive good harvest of honeysuckle, plant it on open area as shadowing affects development of this plant. It is possible to plant honeysuckle under protection of other larger bushes and trees, but at the same time it is necessary to trace that they did not shade it.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

For reproduction of honeysuckle use layers, shanks and seeds. It is necessary to prepare shanks in the fall, after subsidence of foliage. It is necessary to store them in the basement or prikopanny in the earth. It is necessary to cut shanks 15-18 cm long so that the top cut was 1 cm above, and lower on 1, 5 cm kidneys are lower.

It is necessary to land shanks in April, the soil before it should be prorykhlit and humidified well. At disembarkation it is necessary to trace that the upper kidney has been covered with the earth on 0.5-1 cm, and the distance between shanks made 15 cm. 

The planted plants need to be watered regularly and to weed and also to loosen the soil on which they grow. In year the saplings dig out and replace 1 m with distance.

It is possible to multiply honeysuckle layers in the early spring, kidneys were not dismissed yet. For this purpose last year's escapes bend down and pin to the soil. In the fall layers dig out and replace to growing.

To grow up honeysuckle seeds, they need to be landed in the middle of April, in just thawed soil. Shoots will have to appear approximately in 2-3 weeks. They need to be watered and saved from weeds regularly.

Care for honeysuckle

Every spring, during blooming of kidneys, the bush should be fertilized urea or ammonium nitrate. Time in 2 years it is necessary to introduce organic fertilizers, for example, mix from humus (10 kg), ashes (200 g) and double superphosphate (80 g).

Before blooming of kidneys, carry out the rejuvenating cutting of honeysuckle. At the same time delete skeletal branches at the height about 0.5 m such cutting stimulates awakening of large number of the sleeping kidneys on which gains which yield harvest for the second year after cutting are formed.

Wreckers and diseases

Most often the honeysuckle is damaged by web tick and also smorodinny and rozanny listovertka. That to destroy them, the bush is sprayed by 0.2% metafosy, right after harvesting.

At too high air humidity on leaves of honeysuckle can be formed various spottiness – ramulyarioz, tserkosporoz, mealy dew in certain cases appears. For prevention and treatment of mushroom diseases, the honeysuckle is sprayed in the early spring by 0, 2% fundozoly, with solution of copper vitriol. From mealy dew the pollination by wood ashes, colloid sulfur and 0.5% solution of soda ash helps.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
