Cultivation of lavender in the apartment on the balcony — occupation absolutely difficult. The southern ornamental plant places quite great demands both on the location, and on many other parameters. Care for lavender in the apartment, as a rule, includes not only moderate systematic watering, but also many other important nuances.
The evergreen semi-bush adores the sun therefore it makes sense to grow up this plant only if windows of your balcony come to the South or southeast side. On the shaded sites the romantic Mediterranean beauty often is ill and extremely seldom blossoms.
The most optimum structure of the soil for lavender is mix from lime, sand, compost and humus. For bigger friability and air permeability it is possible to add small amount of fine gravel to soil. The simple garden earth for cultivation of lavender is not recommended to be used as when watering normal garden soil is almost always strongly condensed owing to what the powerful root system of plant begins to test notable lack of oxygen.
At selection of pot choose tanks with rather big capacity. Ideally diameter of landing container has to be not less than 30 cm, and volume — not less than two-three liters. Pots of too small size can have an adverse effect on blossoming as the less nutrients receive roots, the less often and more ordinary the plant blossoms. At material selection give preference to unglazed ceramics as in badly breathing plastic containers the drought-resistant plants very often suffer from moisture surplus.
For cultivation of lavender in house conditions it is the best of all to use the following grades:
- Dwarfish blue;
- Manstead;
- Hidkot;
- Nana Alba;
- Twisted;
- Lavender lady;
- Snow of exchanges;
- Sharon Roberts.
Each subspecies differ both on blossoming shade, and in some other decorative parameters. Height of bushes at the majority of above-mentioned types varies ranging from 30 up to 45 cm.
Subtleties of landing and reproduction
Reproduction of lavender is carried out by seeds, air layers and shanks. It is the best of all for the beginning flower growers to get strong shanks in specialized shops. More experienced plant breeders can try to grow up plant from the seeds bought from the checked suppliers or prepared independently.
At cultivation of lavender the seeds will require to undergo surely in the beginning stratification process which means keeping of sowing material at temperature about +5 °C. Without impact of cold the lavender seeds will hardly ascend even if to process them growth factor or phytohormones.
It is the best of all to carry out artificial stratification not in packages, and in slightly moistened soil. Place seeds in the small containers filled with slightly damp sand and cover tanks from above with hermetic polyethylene film. For cooling place seeds in the fridge or cool cellar approximately for 1.5-2 months. For the purpose of avoidance of fungal diseases of capacity with seeds it is periodically necessary to slightly open and air. Strongly you should not freeze lavender seeds as in this case they can lose the viability considerably.
The room lavenders which are grown up from seeds grow slowly and reluctantly. After emergence of the first shoots of capacity with sprouts it is necessary to place surely in the place which is well lit with the sun, at the same time air temperature should not be too high. If bright sunlight will be not enough, then sprouts grow very painful and weak. After the plant reaches height not less than 5 cm, it can be replaced quietly together with earth lump in separate pot to the permanent residence.
For the first year the elevated part of room lavender develops extremely slowly. As a rule, at this time there is active forming of powerful root system. Under the most favorable conditions the plant only in year or even one and a half blossoms.
How it is correct to look after lavender?
The lavender which is grown up on the balcony in the apartment is very exacting to conditions of the contents. That the thermophilic Mediterranean beauty felt comfortable, she needs to provide:
- Abundant natural lighting. It is the best of all to place plant on windowsills from east or from partially South side of the house. In the native habitat the lavender well transfers heat, however in the conditions of the city apartment the hot midday heat for gentle plant can be so pernicious, as well as too strong shadowing.
- Optimum temperature condition. Despite the southern origin, the lavender which is grown up in the apartment on the balcony extremely is negative to too increased temperatures. The most optimum temperature rates in phase of active growth are from 18 to 20 °C. During heat it is the best of all to take out plant on fresh air or as much as possible to air that room in which it is. During the autumn and winter period when the plant is at rest, indoors it is possible to lower air temperature gradually to +5 °C.
- Moderate systematic watering. Young sprouts it is the best of all to water daily, and here more adult bushes — only in process of soil drying. During the cool period the adult plant needs watering no more than 1-2 times a month.
- Correct and regular fertilizer. Lavender it is not obligatory to feed up too often at all. On condition of annual change the quantity of fertilizing can be minimum. However if the plant has suddenly slowed down the growth, then each two weeks it is recommended to bring universal mineral complexes for houseplants in phase of active growth. In the early spring lavender it is possible to feed up nitrogen fertilizers, and during blossoming and budding have well proved various potassium-phosphorus mixes with prevalence of potassium.
It is the best of all to replace room lavender annually prior to the beginning of the vegetation period. This procedure allows to rejuvenate considerably bush and to increase the speed of its growth. The main cutting, as a rule, is carried out to the autumn period. During cutting you remember that it is strictly forbidden to shear the lignified parts. It is only possible to cut off stalks and escapes couple centimeters above the beginning of zone of growth. Sanitary cleaning from the dried-up branches and the drying-out escapes can be made safely at all seasons of the year.