Cultivation of salads on beds - business tasty and useful. Besides and favorable because at the end of summer season it is possible to receive also the seeds of salad, having provided itself with sowing material for several years ahead.
Wishing to receive the seeds of salad, it is necessary to grow up healthy and qualitative uterine plants. For this purpose it is necessary to adhere strictly to the correct agrotechnology of cultivation and to save seed plants from diseases and wreckers. The most popular among salads is salad sheet and headed.
Features of cultivation of sheet salad for receiving the seeds
Seeds can be received from salad plants in two ways: to seed seeds towards the winter or in vesenneranny terms as soon as the soil is ready. In the Bezrassadny way in midland it is possible to grow up only seeds from plants of early term of maturing. The distance between plants is maintained by about 15...20 cm between ranks and 4...5 cm among.
Features of cultivation of cabbage lettuces for receiving the seeds
Headed types have longer period of development. Therefore to receive the seeds, it is more preferable to grow up house seedling in the middle of April. If there is opportunity, it is possible to transfer such works to the greenhouse or hotbed. At change, dive the seedlings cannot deeply be buried, otherwise plants can decay. The root neck has to be at the level of the soil. Surely observe between the planted salad plants distance of 50...60 cm between ranks and not less than 30 cm between plants. For the fastest exit of flower stalk the topmost leaves of heads of cabbage (at densely headed grades) incise knife on depth of 2...3 cm.
Preparation of seeds of salad
At the end of summer on flower stalks of inflorescence grow brown, and in them the white down appears. It is signal that it is impossible to hesitate. Seeds of salad have short meetings umbrellas which are carried by wind. Seed plants cut off at the roots in the morning, connect in snopik on several pieces and finally dry under canopy about 1.5... 2 months. Dry-through seeds thresh, clean, sort and pour into bags from dense paper. Viability of the ripened seeds about 80...98%. Seeds of salad can be stored by 3... 4 years.
To provide itself with seeds, it is enough to grow up several uterine plants of salad.