How to increase productivity of potatoes

How to increase productivity of potatoes

If from year to year you grow up potatoes on the same site, then sooner or later will notice that its productivity has considerably fallen. It is possible to reap big crop of large potatoes. For this purpose it is not obligatory to buy expensive fertilizer and to spend much time on the site.


1. The preliminary prorashchivaniye of tubers will help to raise potatoes harvest. A month before disembarkation place tubers in the dark room for 6-7 days. Air temperature indoors has to be not less than 20 degrees. Then transfer tubers to the light cool place where temperature is not higher than 10 degrees and leave them before disembarkation there. It is more convenient to couch potatoes in wooden boxes or plastic bags, having evenly spread out tubers. If you use packages, then make in them openings with a diameter of 1 cm and on distance of 10 cm from each other. Plus of prorashchivaniye is what is visible at once what tubers will sprout and what can be rejected even before landing.

2. One more way to increase harvest is processing of tubers microelements. Some days before disembarkation lower tubers in useful solution for 20-30 minutes. For mixing of mortar use zinc sulfate (10 g on water bucket), boric acid (5 g on bucket), potassium permanganate (1 g on bucket) or copper vitriol at the rate of 10 g on water bucket. It is possible to water with the same solutions young bushes of potatoes.

3. One of the easiest ways to receive good harvest of potatoes is its cultivation in hay. It is, perhaps, the easiest way of cultivation as does not demand digging of the earth, earthing up, additional weeding and processing during growth. On the flat, fallow earth put germinated tubers of potatoes at distance in 30-40 cm from each other. Further close tubers hay and dry foliage, layer not less than 30 cm. Hay, slowly rotting through, gives food to various microorganisms and well keeps heat and moisture.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
