How to measure living space of the apartment

How to measure living space of the apartment

As a rule, it is necessary to measure living space when there is preparation for sale of the apartment. It is important indicator for the buyer. In all other cases other concepts - the general or heated area of the apartment, as a rule, are used.

  • Tape measure, paper and pencil for records

1. Living space of the apartment is called the sum of the areas of living rooms. Count each of them separately. For this purpose measure length of two walls in each room. Results will turn out more precisely if to put tape measure at the level of floor or plinth that there was no distortion. For calculation of the area of the rectangular room, increase the received values. Put results and receive numerical indicator of the premises. In Construction Norms and Regulations the living room is understood as the territory which is fenced off from others in the apartment by means of partitions. It intends for rest or accommodation. Besides inhabited happen still auxiliary: halls, lobbies or halls, bathrooms, bathrooms komanyt, corridors and storerooms. All of them treat the uninhabited area.

2. As a rule, more often happens the total area of the apartment is known. In this case it is possible to work differently. Measure staff rooms, count their area. Put the received results and subtract this sum from value of total area. If corridors, bathroom and kitchen demand less efforts, than measurement of living rooms, then this option will be preferable. Know that the loggia and balcony according to Construction Norms and Regulations is the open external space serving for rest in summertime and solntsezashchita. It joins in calculations only the general, but not living space of the apartment, but with decreasing coefficient. For loggia it will be 0.5, and for balcony - 0.3.

3. If exact calculation of living space influences the financial relations, then resort in construction experts. Often happens that the construction company provides the apartment with smaller living space, than it is stated in the contract. Not to overpay and assert the rights, order construction technical expertize. Its results are made out documentary, as a result you obtain the evidence of the correctness.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
