Owners of cats madly love having a tail and therefore are ready to forgive them many pranks. Nevertheless, it is necessary to fight against bad habits of animals and to eliminate as soon as possible consequences. As to get rid of smell and spots of urine left by your favourite on floor, carpet or upholstered furniture?
- - Vinegar,
- - soda,
- - hydrogen peroxide,
- - liquid for washing of ware.
1. According to most of people, there is no more pungent and steady smell, than smell of cat's urine. And this is true. Therefore it is necessary to clean after cat at once, so far the smell has not managed to take roots and eat in surface. If suddenly it occurs, then the animal will constantly catch the smell and will make this place toilet.
2. If on carpet the spot of cat's urine has suddenly appeared, at once start elimination of the trouble caused by cat. Take sponge and properly blot spot that urine has not managed to get more deeply into carpet. After that mix water and vinegar in equal proportions. Pour out the received structure to the place of "murder and let's carpet dry completely. As soon as the trace dries, is abundant strew it with soda. Further mix liquid for washing of ware with hydrogen peroxide (in the ratio 1:4) and rub mix in affected zone by means of brush. After full drying it was necessary only to vacuum.
3. The smell from fresh spot of urine is effectively eliminated by such bactericidal means as alcohol, laundry soap, tea tea leaves, the concentrated solution of soda and mouthwash. Fragrances, unfortunately, will not be able to solve problem completely. They are only capable to kill unpleasant smell for some time. As fragrances it is possible to use essential oils, greens of parsley or fresh ground coffee.
4. In shops for animals it is possible to get means which will help to remove smell of cat's urine. The following means enjoy the greatest popularity: "Bio-G, "Zoosan and "DezoSan. For cleaning of upholstered furniture and carpets from cat's urine it is recommended to use "Cleansan, "Zoovorsin and "Pet Stain&Odor. All above-mentioned means can be applied also to cleaning of cat's tray.
5. It is undesirable to apply chlorine-containing means to fight against smell of cat's urine. In spite of the fact that chlorine remarkably kills microorganisms, it is toxic substance which can do harm to your pet.