Modular buildings are buildings and constructions which are created on the site from ready block constructions, precast. It is fast and rather cheap way of construction at which it is not required to care for warehousing of materials and additional preparation them on the place. Very often construction of modular buildings does not even require the base, for these light-weight constructions happens enough and concrete bed. Construction of such buildings is carried out in several stages.
Designing of modular buildings
Characteristic of these buildings which still call module containers is the mobility. They can be used for construction of both temporary, and constant residential and uninhabited buildings. And, as for transportation of ready modules railway transport is used, their sizes are limited to the sizes of containers - 20 and 40 feet.
At design except the fixed sizes also requirements to rigidity of load-carrying structures — the channels forming framework of each block are considered. The project of construction which will be built from blocks consists of documentation package which architectural and construction part, and the technical documentation on distributing of utilities enters. Their structure depends on what engineering networks will be carried out in any given building: heating and ventilation, sewerage and water supply, electricity and gas supply.
Preparatory stage
On the ready project in the factory shop the production of future house begins, but at this stage only the preliminary modeling as subsequently ready elements will be transported to the site is carried out. For creation of block modules use two technologies. In the first case they are made from already ready railway containers, even being in the use, in the second – from reinforced concrete packages which then gather as meccano from cubes. In each block container all necessary elements are established at once, and on the place of construction of the building the final mounting and installation is made. These elements need only to be connected, having closed current networks, having laid utilities and internal pipelines. Each such section has the passport in which necessary technical characteristics and parameters are reflected.
Mounting of the modular house
The site on which construction of the modular building is planned is prepared, leveled previously, external communications are brought to it. Depending on that how many floors will be in the building, the issue of need of construction of the base is resolved. For shoddy construction to 1-2 floors happens to prepare only concrete bed enough. Special transport delivers block sections which movement on construction site will require the truck crane. When unloading they need to be established in that order in which they then will gather. When mounting blocks the welding is not required to be used therefore if necessary blocks easily and can quickly be dismantled and transported on other place. As a rule, as a part of the blocks intended for construction of modular buildings of inhabited type there is so-called sanitary block to which connect external communications and from which internal engineering networks are mounted. This work needs to be entrusted professional experts who will provide smooth functioning of all life support systems of the built building. After the block unit built house is ready, it is necessary to mount roof. As roof the ready designs consisting of the steel beams rafters covered with the pro-thinned-out leaf are used standard, too. When the design consists of one or two blocks, it is possible to do also without roof, but for the constructions consisting of several sections even the normal duo-pitch roof will become reliable protection against snow and rain. If the house is built in northern areas, it is necessary to make thermal insulation.
As floor coverings it is possible to use linoleum, floorboard, laminate and other materials which laying is carried out on the same technologies, as well as it is normal.
Interior finish of the modular house
For interior finish of such buildings standard panels and already ready elements, as a rule, are used therefore this stage will not take a lot of time and will cost not much. However, if desired you can order finishing on the individual design project or use special decisions according to assignment of any given room of the modular building, for example in those blocks where the special equipment will be installed or to which increased requirements on fire safety are imposed.
For installation in modular buildings it is necessary to use heat - and moisture resistant electric sockets with IP not lower than 65.
The interior finish can also include use of thermal insulation materials which mount on walls, ceiling and floor. Besides, at this stage it is necessary to mount electrical wiring which all cable surely keeps within in gofroshlang to exclude possibility of ignition because of malfunctions in current network. Then electric sockets, lamps and switches are mounted, the ventilation equipment is installed, the water supply system, heating and the sewerage is connected.