Stylistic direction minimalism

Stylistic direction minimalism

To minimalism as to the stylistic direction in interior design, simple and laconic forms, absolutely clear and clear compositions are characteristic.

If to compare this style to his predecessor – the direction modernist style, then it is possible to tell with confidence that the minimalism has forced out it not only thanks to simplicity of forms, but also due to functionality of products inherent to it. It is possible to be sure that among all stylistic directions in registration of interior which have appeared in 1950 the minimalism is considered to be one of disputable and bright styles.    

If to speak about key parameters of minimalism as the directions, it should be noted the following signs: planning of the room, color and light registration. Competent arrangement of pieces of furniture – the fundamental aspect allowing to do rooms by more spacious.   

 It should be noted that a lot of spacious place not always means huge rooms though the naturalness and laconicism of minimalism can be noticed in rooms with high ceilings and the big areas at once. Often, to keep more air and volume, division of all rooms into certain zones is carried out conditionally. If there is opportunity, at re-planning it is necessary to carry out transfer or, in general, full dismantling of partitions. Among other things, it is possible to create additional certain apertures. In modern time arrange partitions by means of materials which are capable to pass natural light.   

 It should be noted certain nuances on use of lighting and color schemes in the course of re-planning in stylistics minimalism. The necessary result can achieve division of lighting into some zones, uneven distribution of light, game on contrast and intensity of lighting. In addition, will be rational if natural light does not come to the room. In such cases use the built-in lamps in ceiling coverings or in walls which are simple in the form and design.    

Quite successful and optimum looks visual distribution of the placement on certain zones thanks to color distinction of floor covering. However it is necessary to remember that the stylistic direction minimalism is characterized in most cases by natural shades: beige, snow-white and sand. Surfaces often carry out in one tone, and the interior can be built at the expense of monochrome simplest combinations.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
