That it is better: iron or steam generator?

That it is better: iron or steam generator?

Any shop of household appliances offers the huge choice of irons. What to choose from them, will depend on that how often and how it is necessary to iron much. Normal irons have pluses and minuses both, and at irons with the steam generator.

For the last several decades such household appliance as the iron strongly evolyutsionizirovat. Any more irons without function of otparivaniye are not issued. Now it is possible to choose the iron of the necessary form, with sole from certain material, with bigger or smaller power etc. Variety of irons in any shop of household appliances is quite high, also price range is not small: from cheap irons with minimum of functions to irons with the steam generator. What choice to make?

The iron with function of otparivaniye

The iron with function of otparivaniye is available, probably, in each house. How the washing machine and use of fabric softeners have simplified life of the modern hostess, it is necessary to iron all the same.

The iron is selected taking into account several parameters. First, it is necessary to pay attention to device power. As a rule, it 1500-2500vt. The iron is more powerful, the quicker it heats up. But there is also reverse of the medal – the more power, the electricity consumption is more. For the house it is worth choosing the iron with average power. Secondly, it is necessary to decide what sole of the iron will be most acceptable. If it is necessary to iron a lot of kidswear and also things with small elements, then it is better to choose the iron with narrow nose. If something large is ironed usually, then the iron with more roundish front part will approach. Besides, the sole can be made of stainless steel, aluminum or metal ceramics. The steel iron will heat up and cool down slightly more slowly. Aluminum will provide more lightweight of the iron. The ceramic covering is considered the most modern, but it, at the same time, quite brittle. It is important to look, of course, and at other moments. For example, what tank in the iron for water whether there is antidrop system that water did not pour out from the iron when it is not necessary.

Some irons are equipped with fire protection. It is very convenient – the iron is switched-off itself if not to use it within several minutes.

Iron cord size will be one more important part. If the hostess has no opportunity to put ironing board near the electric socket, then the iron has to have rather long cord.

Steam generator

It would be more correct to tell – the iron with the steam generator as this household appliance consists of two devices connected among themselves: from the steam generator and the iron. In comparison with the normal iron, this unit looks is more bulky. But it has also mass of advantages. The first and main is quality of ironing. By means of the steam generator of couples can move under pressure, and it means that qualitatively it is possible to press at once several layers of linen. Also fabric razutyuzhivatsya much better. It, naturally, gives the chance to reduce ironing time.

It is obligatory to eat irons with steam generators in clothing stores and in sewing studio. There not to do without such device.

The iron with the steam generator it is possible to iron both in the horizontal direction, and in vertical. It is convenient if it is necessary to razutyuzhit, for example, the hanging curtains, suit or outerwear. In addition, some steam generators have function of paroochistka. For this purpose additional nozzles are applied to the device.

What to choose?

It is unlikely it is possible to answer this question unambiguously. Each person will make choice independently, having weighed all pros and cons owing to the requirements and opportunities. Some lean on responses of close people, others prefer certain producer. But it is not important on what brand you stop, Tefal, Philips or some other, on average the iron with the steam generator will be three times more expensive than the normal iron.

The iron takes very few place and to put the steam generator, it is necessary to allocate the special place in cabinet.

At last, the linen volume which needs to be vyutyuzhit, in each family the. If it is necessary to iron a little, then it is quite possible to manage the iron with otparivatel. If the family big, then the iron with pargenerator is the good assistant in economy.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
