As the bedroom is the vacation spot of body and soul of the person, it is very important that its situation, design promoted it. Often in this room there are mistakes which prevent to relax subsequently. We represent to your attention top-5 the mistakes made in design of the bedroom.The main problem of many modern bedrooms is dirtiness, abundance of unnecessary furniture. Judge for yourself, unless in this room stools, walls of Soviet period, carpets on walls are required? Necessary furniture is bed, cabinet, dressing table with mirror and bedside table. All the rest only occupies space.
It is undesirable to use mirror ceiling and walls in the bedroom. Still very long time ago our ancestors spoke about the extraordinary force of mirrors, there is huge set of fortune-telling sessions and ceremonies with their use. Well, and modern psychologists claim that the mirror ceiling in the bedroom just will not allow you to have a rest really, you will uncomfortablly feel.Shades for the bedroom should be selected it is legible. Refuse cool and acid colors. The first can cast over you grief, and the second will begin to irritate sooner or later.
Bright carpets are one more mistake which visually reduces space in the room. Than more your room by the sizes, especially free you will feel.
It is worth refusing bulky and elaborate chandeliers which draw excessive attention to themselves also. This part of interior it will be good to look in spacious dining rooms, but not in such intimate room as the bedroom.
The cosiness in the bedroom can be created by means of beautiful pictures, photos, quiet shades, beautiful draperies. Look for the inspiration. Spread out soft pillows to beds, in the center of the room arrange soft sheep skin, put flowers.
Remember that the design of the bedroom sets to you spirit for the whole day. Agree that waking up in well arranged room, the mood at once becomes a little better.