Why beet does not grow

Why beet does not grow

At first sight can seem that it is absolutely simple to grow up beet, and nevertheless, many gardeners complain of inability to grow up large root crops. These problems arise not only at the beginning gardeners, but also at summer residents with experience.

1. We choose the place for landing. Beet is planted in two ways: seedling and bezrassadny. Very often sowing of seeds to the earth yields better harvest. It is possible to transplant vegetable as to whom it is convenient. In shadow beet cannot be grown up, she loves the solar warm place. Very often it is landed on edge of bed with other vegetables, it in no way does not prevent to grow to either beet, or her neighbors.

2. Thinning. If you want to grow up good harvest, then thinning of beet - necessary condition. Though nobody denies that he work this very labor-consuming, but will repeat - without it in any way. Even the beet seeded seldom gives boring three of each sunflower seed, so seeds of this root crop are arranged. On average the distance between plants has to be 10 centimeters. 

3. Acidity. Color of beet, as well as its size, depend on acidity of soil. If beet small and dark, or does not grow up at all – it means that soil sour and it needs to be deoxidated. For this purpose it is necessary to add dolomite powder to the earth. By the way, many vegetable cultures do not love too sour soil.

4. Fertilizing. Beet very much loves microelements. Most of all it needs sodium. It is possible to use the Magbor fertilizer in process of increase in root crop. The good result is also yielded by potash salt. Ashes so gardeners should not forget about fertilizing of beet it contain about twenty various microelements. For cultivation of beet you should not add to soil nitrogen as from it vegetable greens, but not root crop grow.

5. Crop rotation. If vegetable does not yield desirable harvest, then it is necessary to observe crop rotation. It is productive to land root crop after carrots, cucumbers, squash and pumpkin.

If attempts to achieve big crop of beet remain vain, then it is possible to hand over the earth on the analysis in laboratory.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
