The stone a jade for the first time was found more than 7 thousand years ago. Mentions of it are in ancient Chinese treatises. Wise men described not only beauty of mineral, but also rich magic, medicinal properties of a stone in those days. At the present stage semi-precious stone is spread worldwide.
It was for the first time found in the territory of China. It was used as ornament. The stone a jade could be seen in imperial clothes and in jewelry. Subsequently it became clear that the jade has medicinal properties. Therefore its began to apply in healing. And then and in magic practicians.
Popular Mexicans, Americans had mineral also. It was used as a gift to god of the Sun. Therefore the crystal was very much highly appreciated. From semi-precious stone figures and amulets were created.
The stone received the name in Spain. The jade as "kidney" is translated.
Magic properties
The jade in ancient years was often used in mystical practicians. According to legends, it possesses a huge power stock. Therefore it is capable to influence the owner.
If there was a conflict, the stone will help to avoid serious nervous breakdowns. With its help it will be possible to get out of the situation, without showing aggression. People who have mental violations need to carry semi-precious stone. The stone will help to reduce nervousness level, will save from anger and will calm.
In the east believed that jewelry with a jade helps to avoid hit in unforeseen situations. Semi-precious stone preserves the person against injuries. There was an opinion that the stone in life of the owner attracts good luck. With its help it is possible to find composure.
Increase in a self-assessment — one more useful magic property of a jade. The owner of a stone will become surer over time. He will learn to make the correct, weighed decisions. Mineral will help to exempt thoughts from a negative.
By means of a stone of a jade it will turn out to find a common language with the child. Semi-precious stone will protect from mistakes in education. If there is a conflict with parents, thanks to semi-precious stone it will be possible to reconcile. Disposal of jealousy — important magic properties of a stone of a jade. In the relations there will be a trust and attachment which will not disappear even on a pro-procession of several years.
Medicinal properties
The jade possesses not only magic qualities. It can be used in healing. In Ancient China the people learned that by means of mineral it is possible to get rid of some diseases, to strengthen the general state of health.
According to litoterapevt, the stone has the following set of properties:
- Helps to cope with nefro urological problems. It is recommended to carry a stone if there are cystitis and prostatitis.
- Will help diabetics.
- Will help to cope with reproductive diseases.
- Men are recommended to carry a stone in case there is an inflammation of a prostate. Will assist women in fight against infertility.
- Having available an amulet from a jade, it is possible not to be afraid of spasms. Also the stone will help to cope with sudden pains.
- Strengthening of immunity — medicinal property of a jade of white color. Semi-precious stone will help to restore and strengthen internal reserves of an organism. Will secure against flu and a SARS.
- In China to people who suffered from articulate diseases, recommended to plunge into the bathtub made of a jade.
- Strengthening of sexual desire — rather juicy medicinal property of a jade.
Who suits a jade
All zodiac signs can practically carry a stone. Lions by means of mineral will become quieter. Sagittariuses will find family happiness. Mineral will save representatives of this sign from damage and a malefice. Arieses will get rid of a negative in thoughts and will be able to put all the energy on the right track.
The crystal will present to little bodies strong physical and psychological health. It is recommended to carry an amulet from a jade to Maidens. With its help they will be able to open in themselves new talents. Scales will believe in own forces and will begin to work, achieve goals and to fulfill dreams. Aquariuses with Twins will begin to concern surrounding people more tolerantly.
The jade to Capricorns, Cancers, Scorpions, Fishes is not recommended to get a stone. They can fall into apathy because of mineral. Over time concentration will decrease, mental capacities will suffer.