Men and women are very not similar at each other, not for nothing say that women from Venus, and men from Mars. We have a different physiology, a different metabolism, we differently think, we differently perceive the world and it is natural at us the different level of health. In this article we will talk about men, to be exact about the healthy and healthy nutrition for men.
Men by nature have bigger weight, at them it is heavier than a bone and muscles unlike women are considerably developed. Men are in most cases more hardy and vigorous. Daily they spend more than forces and their organism needs more food, than to women.
If his beauty, longevity and sexual health is important for the man, then it is necessary to think a healthy and correct diet, and this balanced food for men at which there is all organic matter – proteins, carbohydrates and fats and also vitamins and minerals.
Unfortunately, in our modern century, food generally contain fats and plain carbohydrates which for the men caring for the appearance and health cannot be used daily. And to make the menu for men who decided to follow a way of healthy and healthy nutrition it is necessary to pay attention to natural products first of all.
So, in a food allowance for men first of all proteinaceous food has to enter.
The daily use of 150 grams of boiled low-fat meat and glass of milk will help the man not to "lose" the muscles. As protein promotes restoration and growth of muscle fibers.
Seafood will be the most useful food for men after 40 years and especially after 50 years. Red fat fish, oysters, squids, a sea cabbage – these products clean a cardiovascular system, support normal work of heart, promote protection against heart attacks and strokes. At the moment, enemy No. 1 at men after 40 years heart troubles which as are dangerous to potency, and to life in general are.
Daily fruit or vegetables which contain huge amount of complex carbohydrates have to enter a food allowance for men. Sweet fruit are an optimum substitute of sweet flour products which are desirable for excluding from food. Also fruit and vegetables contain many useful vitamins and minerals. If outside not fruitful season, then it is necessary to add to the daily menu polyvitamins in the form of tablets.
The healthy balanced diet for men without fail has to contain dairy products – milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese which contain the vegetable protein and calcium necessary for strengthening of bones in a large number.
Also cellulose without which normal functioning of digestive system is impossible is necessary for healthy nutrition. Men need to eat cereal cultures (for example, porridge or muesli in the mornings), bread from bran, bean cultures.
For men who seriously thought of the health, longevity and beauty it is necessary not only to take care of healthy nutrition, but also of change of a diet.
To come to a form, to take away a tummy, to burn extra kilos, the man needs to change radically not only the menu, but also food time. It is desirable to divide time of acceptance of food for 5-6 times a day. That is it is necessary to eat in the small portions, but it is frequent.
And the last, "healthy and healthy nutrition for men" and "alcohol and smoking" – things incompatible.
At first decide for yourself that to you it is more important - attention and respect of beautiful women, long high-quality sex at mature and advanced age or the cheerful beer company on days off and holidays.