How to clean the computer from unnecessary files?

How to clean the computer from unnecessary files?

Speed of operation of the computer depends on as far as it is littered with unnecessary files. Old movies, games and programs get to this category. Besides many remote files leave behind a lot of "garbage" in memory. The history of Internet visits can carry to unnecessary files, temporary files, etc. To improve operation of the computer, it is necessary to carry out "cleaning" periodically. For this purpose it is necessary to know how to clean the computer from unnecessary files. Of course, the easiest way is to invite the master who will quickly correct all shortcomings. We suggest to take everything in hand moreover and to save.

How independently to clean the computer from unnecessary files – "Cleaning of a Disk"

All versions of the Windows operating system have function which is called "Cleaning of a disk". Its main goal is to find and remove the unnecessary files which are on a disk. To start it, it is necessary to open "My computer" and to click with the right mouse button a disk and to choose the Properties folder from the dropping-out window. – click the following step on the Cleaning of a Disk button. After that the system will analyze all files having in this folder and will offer the list of programs which it is possible were successful without harm for operation of the computer. Then note a tick files which you want to remove and at the end press "Ok". After confirmation of operation the window where process of removal of files will be represented will appear. This way is considered effective, and it will allow to make a lot of room on a disk.

What program to clean the computer from unnecessary files?

Most often for cleaning of a system the CCleaner program is used. She does not take a lot of place on a disk, but at the same time allows to remove unnecessary and unused programs. As a result you will notice that by Windows it began to be loaded quickly enough. It helps the program to clean the register. There are several options, but many users choose the free version which allows to purge the home computer. Download the program only on the checked resources, and it is better on the official site.

The program to clean the computer from unnecessary files, is loaded and activated, then it is possible to pass directly to cleaning of the personal computer. In an open window, there are two main buttons:

  1. "Analysis" – helps to analyze a system and to learn what volume of files will be removed.
  2. "Cleaning" – carries out cleaning of the personal computer.

Choose the first function and wait until the system analyzes all having files. After that choose "Cleaning" and confirm work, having pressed "Ok". The minimum of times in two weeks is recommended to use the program, but it is the best of all to do it more often. The instruction as it is correct to clean the register of the computer from unnecessary files:

  1. Pass into the section "Register" and press the Search of Problems button. Wait until the indicator is loaded for all 100%. After that choose the Correct and Yes function.
  2. The window where the place of saving the found files just in case will be specified will appear. After that choose the Keep key. Preservation by default will happen in the My Documents folder.
  3. In a new window choose the Correct Noted function. After that the program for time will remove all existing register malfunctions.

Finally to understand as it is possible to clean the computer from unnecessary files by means of this program, we will sort also other opportunities of "CCleaner". The menu "Service" comprises four functions. The first will allow to remove the existing programs and games. Deleting unnecessary files here, it is possible not to be afraid that there will be any components. Thanks to the following Automatic loading button it is possible to learn what programs are started together with Windows. All this slows down loading process therefore you can choose unnecessary applications and remove them. Consider that programs will not be removed from the computer but only from automatic start.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
