As is well-known to experts (teachers and psychologists), personal development of the person depends in approximately equal measure on three factors: heredities, Wednesday and education. Proceeding from it, the good taste should be imparted and developed since the childhood, and it is better – since the birth.
How to develop good taste?
Best of all, of course, a personal example.
It is better to develop good musical taste till the child's birth during his pre-natal development. For this purpose listening of good quiet music with the expressed melodic and harmonious structure is recommended to pregnant women. Certainly, it is better to choose positively sounding, pleasant music lightening the mood.
It is also best of all to impart good taste in clothes since the childhood, paying the attention of the child to appearance and clothes (and the, and people around), it is necessary to talk to children about it, suggesting them to observe and do comparisons more. Besides, it is good that members of the family of the child also represented how it is correct to dress tastefully and decently, differently to different cases. The situation in the house has to correspond to elementary concepts about good taste too. Pay attention to shades and drawings of wall-paper, curtains and other elements of furniture of rooms. Avoid sharp flowers – they tire sight and irritate.
Good taste in a house situation
Especially it is worth avoiding acquisition of objects of pseudo-quasi-art nonunique consumer goods in the form of any cheap hand-made articles, trite and kitschy kartinochek, statuetochek and an other junk, there is a lot of offered by retail chain stores. In Soviet period struggled with petty-bourgeois tastes. Now the petty-bourgeois taste thrives – to it there are all conditions. The person with good taste should not be guided by petty-bourgeois tastes though the normal utilitarian relation to some elements of consumer goods can be quite positive.
The general rules of good taste in the choice of clothes do not exist. Different people go and suit different clothes, the most various styles, forms and shades. To dress well, it is necessary to have ideas of clothes styles and current trends. It is necessary to have an idea of the tsvetotip also. Eclectic approach to selection of articles of clothing – in general, business thin, available to people with the developed esthetic sense.
And in general, the person who is perceived others as the person with good taste and knowing how to develop good taste, is a person educated, brought up and able to develop independently.