How to gain weight to the thin guy and to build muscles – this question interests many men. For this purpose it is not necessary to do anything difficult, however some steps should be taken nevertheless, and measures have to be complex character. Otherwise instead of muscles you risk to get unnecessary fat folds.
How can the guy gain weight by means of food?
The first step which should be undertaken is change of a food allowance: it has to become more high-calorie, but at the same time as well balanced. For this purpose it is necessary not just to begin to eat more, having put emphasis on fat and sweet. It is necessary to eat properly for what it is desirable to adhere to a certain algorithm.
- Saying about how quickly to gain weight to the guy in a week, it is necessary to count the caloric content of a daily diet. Try to keep a diary of food within 7 days, writing down everything that you eat per day. Further begin to increase the number of calories by 500 units every day if changes do not happen, increase menu caloric content by 500 units.
- Increase the number of meals and serving sizes. Is not less than 3 times a day are necessary, and it have to be full-fledged breakfast, a lunch and a dinner. The first meal has to be in the first hour after awakening. Having a snack has to be each two hours.
- Emphasis should be placed on proteinaceous and carbohydrate products, the first will help to build muscles, the second will provide with necessary energy. However and fats have to be present at food, without them growth of muscle tissue significantly slows down. Therefore butter, lard, nut paste, fat sour cream and milk has to be presented in the menu in moderately quantities.
- The approximate menu per day can be such: for breakfast – oil sandwich, omelet, cheese, porridge; a lunch – fat cottage cheese, fruit and nuts; a lunch – meat, vegetable oil salad, rice, pasta, potatoes, fat soup or borsch; an afternoon snack – fermented milk products with the increased fat content level, bananas; a dinner – meat or fish, potatoes, vegetables salad; in two hours prior to a dream - fruit, nuts, sausage, oil, cheese sandwiches.
How it is correct to gain weight to the guy due to gain of muscle bulk?
Too not to do without physical activities. If there is no time to visit the gym, then it is possible to gain weight due to muscle gain and in house conditions. But it is necessary to get dumbbells or a bar as to the thin guy power trainings most quicker will help to gain weight. For this purpose:
- it is necessary to be engaged every day, but not to exhaust itself;
- you remember that the strengthened trainings without rest – it in a root is wrong, you risk to lose weight even more;
- begin with loadings of average complexity, it is possible to do on 5-6 repetitions of each exercise for 3-4 approaches.
Obligatory exercises for a set of weight are pullings up with a weight, a bar press in a standing position, a press in situation "lying" from a breast, squat with a bar, "level", any exercises on a press. It is possible to distribute different types of loadings on days of the week that they did not become boring.
How still can the guy gain weight in house conditions?
If the question how to gain weight to the thin guy quickly, is very relevant for you, then it is necessary to think also eliminating various negative factors. For example, that in house conditions the process of formation of muscle bulk proceeded more effectively, it is necessary to normalize the mode of a dream. If you do not get enough sleep, then will automatically grow thin. Therefore it is desirable to go to bed till midnight, to spend for a dream not less than 7 hours and to avoid appearance of insomnia.
Also it is necessary to maintain optimum water-salt balance in an organism, without allowing dehydration. So, in day you have to drink not less than 2 pure liters.