How to pump up a biceps on a horizontal bar?

How to pump up a biceps on a horizontal bar?

For pumping of muscles it is optional to be engaged on exercise machines as rather just to have houses or in the yard a crossbeam. Interests many whether it is possible to pump up a biceps on a horizontal bar, and so, knowing some rules and observing technology of performance of exercises, it is possible to achieve good results.

How to pump up a biceps on a horizontal bar?

For study of these muscles it is the best of all to carry out pullings up by a usual and narrow reverse grip, that is palms to a body. For performance of pullings up by the average successful fellow it is necessary to undertake a crossbeam so that palms were at distance of shoulders. Be improved in slow speed to feel tension in bicepses. Exhaling, it is necessary to touch by a crossbeam breast, and then, on a breath to return to SP.

To execute exercise on a biceps on a horizontal bar narrow hold, it is necessary to undertake a crossbeam so that the distance between hands was less than width of shoulders. Ideal option – edges of palms have to adjoin. Partial pullings up when the body lifts not to a crossbeam but only to the middle of amplitude are effective.

Rules how to swing a biceps on a horizontal bar:

  1. Having hung on a horizontal bar not to be shaken, it is recommended to bend legs in knees and to cross them.
  2. It is necessary to bend a back a little in a waist and to keep this situation during all exercise. In the top point of a shovel have to be reduced.
  3. To pump over a biceps on a horizontal bar, it is necessary to make movements without breakthroughs, moving smoothly, and both up, and down. You should not throw a body in the lower point.
  4. Also the correct breath is of great importance, so rising up and making effort, it is necessary to do an exhalation, and on relaxation – a breath. It is forbidden to hold the breath.

There are some more councils which will make a training of more effective. It is necessary to begin occupation with the warm-up directed to a warming up of muscles and joints of an upper body. As for the number of repetitions, everything depends on individual indicators. For muscle growth it is the best of all to do 3-4 approaches, and in everyone till 12-15 repetitions. Between approaches the rest should not be long, that is no more than 2 min. The good result will not be if to be engaged occasionally. It is regularly worth training. An optimal variant – 2-3 times a week that there was time for rest and restoration. If muscle pain is felt, then it is better to miss a training as the result from it will be minimum, and here risk to worsen a state is rather high.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
