How to receive iron sulfate

How to receive iron sulfate

Sulfates of iron are inorganic chemicals, they are divided into versions. There is a bivalent sulfate of iron (2) and trivalent sulfate of iron (3). There are many ways of receiving these sulfate salts.

It is required to you

  • Iron, sulfuric acid, water, copper vitriol, pyrite, iron minium, potassium nitrite, iron chloride.


1. By means of a file or sandpaper grind a little iron shaving. Then, place it in an acidproof container and fill in with the diluted sulfuric acid. Acid will react with iron shavings with release of hydrogen and formation of sulfate of iron (2).

2. Take a little distilled water and dissolve in it a small amount of copper vitriol. Further, place the crushed iron in solution. As iron is in electrochemical series more to the left of copper, it will force out copper from solution of its salt with formation of sulfate of iron (2), and copper will drop out in a deposit.

3. Take acidproof capacity and pour in it the concentrated sulfuric acid. Then, place in it a little disulfide of iron (pyrite) and heat contents. At reaction, oxide of sulfur will be emitted and to be formed sulfate of iron (3).

4. Place a small amount of oxide of iron (3) (iron minium) in a test tube and fill in it with sulfuric acid. After that heat a test tube, as a result of reaction water and sulfate of iron will be formed (3).

5. Take the diluted sulfuric acid and place in it potassium nitrite. Carefully mix solution and place in it a little sulfate of iron (2). As a result of reaction, nitrogen oxide, water, sulfate of potassium and sulfate of iron will be formed (3).

6. Take the concentrated sulfuric acid and place in it a little chloride of iron. Then, heat solution. As a result of reaction, sulfate of iron (2) will be formed and will be emitted chlorohydrogen.

7. Prepare water solution of sulfate of iron (2) and just leave it on air open. After a while under the influence of air oxygen sulfate of iron (2) will be oxidized owing to what, it will pass into sulfate of iron (3).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
