Leave a comfort zone - Change the life - Brian to Tracey

Leave a comfort zone - Change the life - Brian to Tracey

Brian Tracey - one of the most popular, and moreover, one of the most my dear authors. The style of writing of his books always differs in laconicism, good structure of the text and simplicity of recommendations.

In the original the book is called ""Eat the frog"". Eat a frog - a popular expression which became popular in many respects thanks to this book. Actually this expression belongs to Mark Twain: ""If since morning to eat a frog, the rest of day will be wonderful thanks to feeling that the worst for today already behind"".

Frog are in this case your most important issues in life which are adjourned till the best times or are at all replaced with some petty work. It is possible to find 21 methods of increase in efficiency on achievement of the goals which in a root can change your life in the book.

I will not quote ""book results"", and I will only note the moments which seemed to me the most interesting:

  • Before any work the plan has to be made. For each purpose there has to be the list:
    • Main - where all points which need to be executed are brought
    • The list for the month updated at the end of every month
    • The list for a week updated every Sunday
    • The list next day which is updated every evening

The purposes in the list have to be sorted according to the priority.

  • It is always necessary to allocate priority activity and to see things through a prospect prism
  • To let in someone - means to refuse to another. To take something - means to reject old.
  • Not priority affairs need to be put specially away for later to release time for more important purposes
  • Achievement of any big purpose happens to the help of small steps.
  • It is necessary to put constantly pressure upon himself - to consider itself as a sample for people around. The good way is to turn it into a game: each time to work more intensively, to carry out tasks slightly quicker, to begin work slightly earlier etc.
  • Working - work. In operating time it is necessary to get rid of all distracting factors and to entirely devote itself to work
  • It is impossible to pass from one task to another, without having finished current affair for 100%

Information about planning of the purposes which allows to choose for itself the ""fattest"" frogs, but not to spend time for minor things was the most useful part of the book. As for a question of how as fast as possible it is enough to information on advantage of it ""to eat"" this frog - but how to make it - is written very poorly. In this plan the book the Psychology of personal efficiency of Neill Fyorre will be much more useful. However, it is possible if information was submitted more extensively - Brian of Tracey would lose the signature trump - laconicism.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
