Treatment by bloodsuckers – a girudoterapiya – a way of disposal known for a long time of various diseases. In those days practically all illnesses tried to cure by means of bloodletting, and bloodsuckers with ease helped to get rid of stagnation of blood. And today treatment by bloodsuckers has admirers, and the advantage and harm of this way do not cause a discussion any more among doctors since long ago are known.
Advantage of treatment by bloodsuckers
The advantage of treatment by bloodsuckers is caused by the whole complex of factors. Reflex impact on an organism happens at suction of a bloodsucker to skin in acupuncture points, and they find these places intuitively. The bloodsucker makes biological impact, injecting the saliva containing various active components into blood among which hirudine, an orgelaza and a destabilaza are the major. Mechanical influence consists in unloading of a blood-groove.
Saliva of a bloodsucker has powerful effect. It renders the anti-coagulating, thrombolytic, antiedematous, anti-inflammatory, bakteriostatichesky, immunomodulatory and anesthetizing actions. And this list is not full.
Treatment by bloodsuckers is useful at a hypertension, stenocardia, atherosclerosis, varicosity, thrombophlebitises of veins, hemorrhoids, migraine, skin diseases, neuritis, cholecystitises, LOR-diseases, glaucoma, the increased cranial pressure, brain concussion, diseases of a respiratory system.
As prophylactic the girudoterapiya is applied at threat of a stroke, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and an embolism of vessels of a brain. Is shown to put bloodsuckers at the low physical activity, stresses causing angiospasms, weaknesses of a diaphragm and an abdominal press, chronic locks.
But treatment has bloodsuckers and contraindications. Hypotonia, anemia, hemophilia, oncological diseases, individual intolerance of components of saliva of bloodsuckers concern them. Besides it should be noted that it is not necessary to conduct treatment by bloodsuckers independently since there is a danger to place it not on the necessary zone. Also it is impossible to use for treatment of the bloodsuckers caught outdoors – it can lead to infection.
Treatment by bloodsuckers of prostatitis
By means of bloodsuckers it is possible to fight effectively against stagnation of blood in a prostate that is one of the main reasons for developing of prostatitis.
Treatment of prostatitis by means of bloodsuckers includes 4-5 procedures. "Blood-sicking doctors" are put or around back pass, or on both sides of the middle line of a crotch. After a prokus, saliva of a bloodsucker emits thrombin inhibitor, blood is diluted, and the blood-groove in a prostate improves. Besides, additional stimulation at the trophic level, similar to acupuncture, improves inflow of blood to gland that well affects her health.
Treatment by bloodsuckers of alcoholism
Girudoterapiya is applied also to treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. Because of these addictions, the person has a set of various violations: exchange processes and work of many bodies worsen, the organism suffers from intoxication. Negatively alcohol and drugs affect also mentality, causing disturbing and depressive frustration, insomnia, change of the personality.
Application of bloodsuckers for treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction helps to purify as fast as possible blood from toxins, to remove withdrawal pains and a hangover, to reduce thirst for harmful substances. At the patient the general state quickly improves, the dream is normalized, the immunity increases. The best effect in treatment of alcoholism is reached in complex treatment which includes not only a girudoterapiya, but also reflexotherapy and intake of medicines.