What is the static electricity

What is the static electricity

In a usual state atom is in balance, having equal quantity of protons and electrons. But electrons can move from one atom to another and thus create positive (without electron) or negative (with an additional electron) ions. Violation of intratomic or intramolecular balance, by means of loss or acquisition of an electron, will melt the reason of emergence of static electricity.

Sources of static electricity

Most often static electricity arises at contact between two materials (winding, unwinding, friction) and their office from each other. Easily it is possible to meet this phenomenon in everyday life (combing hair a hairbrush, putting on synthetic clothes, running a hand over the dusty screen of the TV).

If the person whose body is electrified touches any metal subject (the fridge or, for example, a heating pipe), then the charge which is saved up in it will be discharged and it will be struck with current. But, in spite of the fact that the electrostatic category happens at very high voltage, current of its release is very small therefore the person will feel only easy blow not capable to cause to it considerable harm.

Perhaps emergence of a charge at sharp temperature drop (for example, placing something cold in an oven) and at fast cutting something (takes place on productions, during the work by paper-cutting cars or raskroyechny machines). Also radiation and ultra-violet radiation can provoke a strong static charge.

Influence of a statics on an organism

Influence of static electricity on the immune system and health in general is up to the end not investigated. But the fact that long-term stay in the field of a static charge is harmful, does not raise doubts. The long contact of the person with a statics can become the reason: • functional violations in the central nervous system (headaches, angiospasms, increase in arterial blood pressure); • excessive emotional excitability and irritability; • violations of appetite and dream; • developing of various phobias. To avoid negative impact of a statics, it is necessary to ground all household equipment, first of all. Household humidifiers and abundance of houseplants will help. Regular damp cleaning and airing of the room are obligatory. Tulle, curtains, a furniture upholstery, oriental carpets therefore it is better to process them antistatic means happen a statics source in the apartment often. As for personal hygiene, it is extremely not desirable to wear clothes from synthetic materials, being in close proximity to a body and causing friction about skin and hair of the person, it can become the reason of periodic emergence of a static charge. Footwear should be chosen on a leather or rubber sole. Women are not recommended to be fond of hot laying, as a last resort, to use natural essential oil which is unique natural antistatic.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
