At detection of various diseases practically never does without use of tool methods of diagnostics. Magnetic resonance imaging belongs to one of the most informative ways at a research of pathologies of very wide range. To advantages of this method high precision and sensitivity belongs to physiological and anatomic pathologies.
The efficiency of the exact diagnosis of installation with application of MRT is equal to 97%. However at all priorities of this way of diagnostics for patients it is important to know – whether MRT is harmful to health and whether the research renders negative consequences on an organism.
MRT is harmful or not?
Recently rumors about harmful effects of magnetic fields on human health began to be spread. It concerns various sources of magnetic radiation – the power line, mobile phones, solar activity. Against the background of these cautions logically there is a question, MRT is how harmful. The principle of action of this research is based also on uses of magnetic field.
The technique of a research is based on a combination of magnetic waves of high rate to radio-frequency impulses that hypothetically should not influence body tissues in any way. Answering a question whether MRT is harmful to an organism, experts give these sets of the carried-out tests on animals and long experience of clinical practice.
According to doctors the magnetic resonance imaging is not reflected in any way and does not influence human health neither in the course of holding a procedure, nor right after it, nor in the distant future. The high-frequency magnetic field applied in MRT does not cause any changes in fabrics, the human body simply does not perceive them.
This technique is often appointed for detection of pathologies of a brain and a backbone. Therefore whether a question MRT is harmful to a brain and nervous tissues, arises most often. Experts are sure that this research does not bear any negative consequences neither for functionality, nor for anatomic integrity of nervous fibers.
Whether MRT is harmful to children and pregnant women?
For children of MRT it is also safe, as well as for adults. However when performing diagnostics the least patients can have a fear and discomfort because of loud buzz of the device and also owing to age it is difficult to them to keep immovability throughout all procedure. For these reasons for children before the procedure do the easy sparing anesthesia. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only under observation of the experienced expert.
The only caution for carrying out MRT is pregnancy of the first trimester. It is connected with features of development of a fruit on the earliest terms. To avoid possible pathologies the procedure is not carried out before achievement of 12 weeks of pregnancy.