What the turbulent mode of a current of liquid differs from laminar in

What the turbulent mode of a current of liquid differs from laminar in

Dynamics of liquids is an important part of classical physics. It is applied in aerospace, agricultural, sea and other industries. Owing to the fact that properties of liquid strongly depend on many parameters there are several main types of a current. Laminar and turbulent streams represent two main types of the movement of liquids.

What is the air discharge

What is the air discharge

Under natural conditions the rarefied air meets only in highlands. In such air because of big height there are not enough molecules of oxygen and nitrogen that considerably complicates breath.

How to find a pole star

How to find a pole star

The pole star received the name because of nearness to the North Pole of Earth. Its orientation on the North does it by a convenient reference point for all who were left without compass. To orient in space, it is necessary only to find a Pole star.

What is factors of population dynamics in modern ecology

What is factors of population dynamics in modern ecology

Population in translation from Latin means "population", "people". Population dynamics is the movement of population, its development, movement. The connected with a concept of ecology, population dynamics is characterized by the certain factors creating changes in the nature and the area. Each population has the leading fitness to various environmental conditions of dwelling.

In what constellation there is a pole star

In what constellation there is a pole star

The pole star belongs to the constellation Little Dipper. It is at distance of 431 light years from Earth and represents a threefold star system which consists of the giant Polar And yes a small star of Ab and also remote from them Polar Century.