Virtual acquaintance became an everyday occurrence in our bustling life. More and more couples find each other floating around the Internet. And in it there is nothing bad. Only it is important to remember that on that side of the screen there can be not a prince on a white game at all, and the ordinary adventurer or even the swindler.
As to find in virtual space the man with serious intentions? Actually, it is not as difficult as it seems.
After registration on a dating site and fillings of the questionnaire will begin to write you a large number of persons interested to get acquainted. And here it is very important to be able to filter these letters.
First of all it is necessary to remove all letters with grammatical mistakes. It is not necessary to think that all write in the Internet with high speed and therefore do not manage to watch literacy. The educated competent person always tries to write without mistakes. Of course, typos are possible, but messages in which you see "sorry, it is correct, Zdelat...", it is better to send to a basket at once and not to spend the time.
Do not pay attention to all letters with podmigivaniye and just greetings. The serious man will not draw thus your attention. More likely, behind such podmigivaniye the finder of the easy relations is.
Also it is not necessary to respond to letters it seems "How are you doing?", "You beautiful", etc. If you really were pleasant to the man, he would show big interest in the letter, but would not be limited to such poor message.
Try to treat everyone who wants to get acquainted with you critically. The questionnaire without photo has to guard. You should not trust the one who does not want to show the true worth.
If the worthy letter in which there is an interest you comes across to you, then begin to study data of the applicant. If everything suits you, safely answer. But even if some point not strongly was pleasant to you, nevertheless it is worth communicating, not everything can be displayed in the questionnaire.
At communication try to ask more leading questions. That the applicant for acquaintance told about himself as much as possible. The honest person has nothing to hide.
Separate point it is necessary to take out "married men". There is a lot of them on dating sites therefore it is necessary to show vigilance. If the elect does not want to give the phone or asks not to call him, says that he will call itself is a right occasion to prick up the ears. Therefore try to call most, especially in the evening. If he answers with whisper or says that he will call back, obviously closes a tube a hand, then, most likely, he is married, and you should not continue communication. The ordinary ladies' man who has no serious intentions got to you.
And still, at acquaintance in the virtual it is not necessary to make too long list of requirements to the elect. Nobody is ideal, even you. And the man who was not pleasant at first sight, perhaps, is also that prince for whom you wait.