Twins - the air sign which differs in the inconstancy. To two Twins it is easy and cheerful together, but at the same time it is rather difficult to construct the strong relations. They easily fall in love, and here the first feeling develops into true love not always.
1. Wife's and men Bliznetsy are very easy in communication. They can keep up the conversation on any subject, amuse when sadly and to support if it is required. They perfectly feel emotions and always become excellent friends. But in family life it is people rather difficult. A huge number of their hobbies and constant friendly parties do not allow them to construct strong marriage. And only the representative of the same sign can understand their behavior. Therefore very often Twin male and Twin female meet and create couples.
2. That the Twin fell in love, behave naturally. Be open for communication, show an initiative, be vigorous. Offer active pastime - driving on horses, travel, parachute jumps. Twins adore an extreme, and such entertainments will be to the taste to them.
3. Do not control the Twin. The most terrible for them - restriction of freedom. Give it the chance to go about the own business. All the same on the first place at Twins always active interaction with people around, but not arrangement of life. Do not load the Twin with household chores. He will find a way to cope with them, but at the same time will be angry on you for the fact that you distracted it from active public life.
4. Indulge the Twin. This sign is very susceptible to flattery also gifts. To it the attention from the partner is important better if it is material. Small gifts will show every evening to the twin that you appreciate your relations and love him. Gifts it is more important than words as this talkative and not too obligatory sign understands how far it can be told from valid for the Twin.
5. To get to fall in love the Twin, do everything that would be pleasant to you. Analyze own feelings and understand with what person you would fall in love. After that become such person and go to prove the love.