How to open deception

How to open deception

Probably, it is impossible to find the person who for all life was never deceived. And it is good if business was limited to mild friendly draws, "subsplittings". It is much worse when deception entailed serious consequences, the damage caused. And from such unpleasant scenario nobody is insured. Therefore there is nothing surprising that the person often puzzles over a question: whether the interlocutor tells the truth it whether deceives? You will not read others thoughts.


1. At once it is necessary to specify that 100% of a guarantee, of course, do not give the offered methods and cannot give. But with very high degree of probability, using them, you can or catch the deceiver in a lie or, at least, suspect that you are wanted to be deceived.

2. Try to watch closely the speech of your interlocutor. If he answers your questions accurately, shortly, in essence, most likely, he is sincere. If starts walking "yes near around", fills up you with a flow of information which does not have a direct bearing on business here you should prick up the ears. It is necessary to consider that some people, especially women, are not able to speak laconically. Even at the answer to the simplest question they by all means should "wander in three pines". Therefore, this sign is reliable only in combination with others.

3. You watch a look of the interlocutor, gestures. Especially if it came to an important, ticklish issue. Pay special attention to eyes. If during the conversation the interlocutor avoids to look to you in the face, takes a look aside, most likely, he is afraid to be caught in a lie.

4. If the interlocutor cheerfully laughs, but his eyelids at the same time are not mobile, emotions are almost for certain strummed. The fact is that the circular muscles which are responsible for movements a century are reduced reflex, irrespective of desire of the person. Think: and for what purpose the person pretends that to him it is ridiculous when actually he does not test fun? Not therefore whether what wants to make a good impression on you, to cause trust?

5. About its insincerity, tensions can testify and some gestures. For example, he often touches a tip of a nose or a lobe of an ear or saying a phrase, your interlocutor instinctively presses to the person near a mouth corner fingers or the clenched fist.

6. If fingers of the interlocutor contract often-are unclenched or he fingers a tip of a mustache or curl, most likely, he lies. Try to show elementary attentiveness, the vigilance having nothing in common with unhealthy paranoia and then you will manage to avoid deception.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
