Women, owing to the emotionality, especially hard transfer treachery of close people. If the close girlfriend from whom there were no secrets which could be told literally about everything betrayed, to complain and be cried! In such situation the woman wholly understands the meaning of a saying: "As a butt on the head". Alas, and it happens, and is frequent. How to live further with such shock?
Of course, it is very easy to advise from outside. Besides when the woman is overflowed by emotions when to it it is really bad, she can quite apprehend as mockery council to come round and get it together. Nevertheless, it so. As soon as the most acute pain and offense a little ceases, she should call to the aid elementary common sense. The close girlfriend betrayed? Means, she never was her, especially close! It was only visibility of friendship. It is quite possible that so-called "girlfriend" simply used you, receiving some benefit from communication with you.
It seems to you improbable, improbable? Despite treachery, you do not want to trust in it? That, it speaks well yours. Then strain memory and try to remember: how many times did it disinterestedly help you with any given situation? Or at least offered the help? And how many times you, having removed the interests and even urgent matters aside, rushed it on revenue? That's it. Who received benefit from your friendship?
Remember popular wisdom: "A friend in need is a friend indeed!" If this is soIf this is soIf this is so behaved when no trouble existed what it would be possible to expect from it if you or to your relatives, God forbid, were threatened by real danger? Therefore accept her treachery as a heavy, but useful lesson. It is necessary to learn to understand people, even those whom you too hasty wrote down in "close girlfriends". From now on be more attentive and more careful. It does not mean, of course, at all that it is necessary to become reserved, seeing in each passer of the artful hypocrite and the villain. But the reasonable vigilance never before and harmed nobody. Well, and how to be in case she regrets the unworthy act and will ask for you forgiveness? Hard question. Here to solve to you. Anyway, even if you forgive the former close girlfriend, you should not be such frank and trustful as earlier. The postponed lesson has to do you good.